The Only Exception

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Title: The Only Exception
Genre: Fluff
Ship: 2Min
this font= english or thoughts

"Put your arm round my—or just fall on me. That works too."

Felix practically dragged Seungmin to bed and put a wet cloth on his head.

"His fever's really high, the Panadol isn't even working." He said to Chan who was standing in the doorway with a perturbed expression on his face.

"Is he gonna be alright for the concert?" Chan asked apprehensively.

"His temperature is 39 degrees C, absolutely not."

Chan sighed deeply. "Will he be ok though?"

"Let's hope so, the doctor said he had pneumonia, and that we should keep him in bed most of the time. I think we'll have to send a notice online." Felix said.

"But we're also going to Jeju this week, who's gonna look after him?"

"Maybe one of the staff?" Felix suggested.

"But they're not allowed in the dorms. What about one of the members?" Chan proposed.

"They all might say no, what then?"

"Let's just give it a shot, c'mon, let's ask them now." He gestured for Felix to follow him. Felix smiled at Seungmin sadly before leaving with Chan.

They went downstairs and into the kitchen where the rest of the members were lurking.

"Hey guys, me and Felix were discussing what to do with Seungmin, and we think it'd be better if one of you guys stay and look after him. Any volunteers?"

No one said anything but they all looked guilty and awkward. None of them really wanted to miss out on Jeju or the concert.

"Oh come on guys. No one?" Chan asked.

"Um, I don't really mind staying behind, I could look after him if it's necessary." Minho spoke up nervously.

Chan's face broke out into a wide smile.
"That's great then! Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I don't mind." Minho said a bit more confidently.

"Ok great, Felix will fill you up on the details of what you need to do and you'll be all set."

"Oh ok, thanks Chan."

Minho watched videos of the concert with Seungmin who could sit up, but barely stand. Walking was out of the question.

Minho would feel a sort of ache in his heart whenever he watched the videos. He was so used to being on the stage, now he could only watch it from so far away.

He often felt as though he shouldn't have volunteered to care for Seungmin, but would remind himself that Seungmin was way more important than a concert.

Caring for him was a lot harder than he thought it'd be though. He'd have to coax the food into his mouth and congratulate him for taking 3 bites.

The windows in Seungmin's room were always shut because he kept complaining of the cold, it always felt like a savanna whenever Minho went into his room—and he'd never even been to a savanna before.

"D'you want some water?" Minho asked Seungmin for the 6th time that day.

"No Minho, and I won't need water for the next hour either." Seungmin laughed lightly.

"Felix told me that you had to be hydrated a lot though." Minho said checking the sheet of paper that Felix gave him.

"That doesn't mean I need water every second, I'll be fine." Seungmin smiled.

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