Whipped Cream

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Title: Whipped Cream
Genre: Pure Fluff
Ship: Jeonglix

Enjoy :3

It wasn't raining like it had been just an hour ago. The dark clouds that were previously hovering over Seoul, had finally parted and revealed the deep blue sky. The small drops of rain that descended from the sky could hardly be counted as rain at all.

Felix tried to wake Jeongin, who was peacefully sleeping under the covers of Felix's bed. He looked so content, Felix almost didn't want to wake him. Almost.

"Innie, get up! Let's go get coffee at the cafe down the road before it starts raining again." Felix was about to resort to slapping but luckily, Jeongin was stirring from his coma and managed to glare at Felix before falling off the bed with a dull thud.

Felix, who'd also nearly fallen onto the floor laughing, got up to help Jeongin who had somehow also managed to get himself tangled in all his bed covers.

"Innieee!" Felix whined when Jeongin was unresponsive.

Jeongin lifted his head with a scowl, glared at Felix once again and muttered something along the lines of "I don't wanna".

"Oh cmon! I'll buy you that chocolate and raspberry cheesecake plus a milkshake."

Jeongin sat up immediately.

"You promise?" He looked so serious Felix almost snorted.

"Yeah sure." Felix grinned cheekily.

"Then why are we still here?? Cmon, let's go before it rains again!" Jeongin scrambled to stand up and grabbed his coat when he did.

"Aren't you gonna shower?"

Jeongin looked like he was contemplating between being angry or hurt.

"I showered just before I got into bed!" He yelled, his face a mix of the two.

"I forgot!" Felix defended himself.

"Just say you don't care about me."

"I do!"

The pointless argument continued until they reached the cafe, which was surprising empty. The few people that were there, were either on their phones, or drinking coffee and looking aimlessly out the window.

The table in the corner that they usually sat at, was thankfully free, and to stop the stupid argument, Jeongin pointed at a random spot on the floor, claiming that he saw a large spider there earlier.

Felix was about to scream but instead ran to the table and sat down nervously, his eyes darting around the whole cafe as if waiting for the spider to jump out and eat his face off.

Jeongin sniggered and sat down next him.

"That was for waking me up." He grinned evilly.

Felix glowered at him and punched him hard in the shoulder.

"The cheesecake is for me now. You're lucky to even get a milkshake." Felix turned away from him and sniffed unapologetically.


"I forgot my wallet at home anyway." Felix muttered.

"You what." Jeongin looked like he was about to commit murder and arson at the same time.

"I'm sorry! It slipped my mind!"

"I'm breaking up with you."


"If you don't pay for my cheesecake AND milkshake, you can kiss my ass goodbye."Jeongin looked like he was about burst out laughing.

Felix was at a loss for words.

"What am I gonna get for myself then?!"

"We can share."

Felix groaned and got up to put order in.


"You have to give me a bite, I'm the one who bought it."


Jeongin cut the smallest piece off the cheesecake and stuffed it into Felix's mouth.

"That was barely anything! Plus you said you'd share!" Felix complained after he'd finished choking.

"Not my problem." Jeongin smirked and sipped his vanilla milkshake.

Felix seemed to forget the cheesecake and started laughing. Quite loudly.

"What." Jeongin looked at him suspicously.

"You have cream on your nose." Felix said, still laughing.

"Well stop laughing and get it off!" Jeongin whined.

Felix finally stopped laughing and smirked deviously.

"Ok, fine." He smiled before leaning in and kissing it off his nose.

Jeongin seemed to be roleplaying Anna from Frozen, because he'd frozen on the spot and didn't even seem to be blinking.

"They have really nice whipped cream here." Felix said thoughtfully.

"Yep, they- they most definitely do." Jeongin said dreamily while staring into space.

Felix laughed and slowly slid his milkshake away from him while taking a sip. Jeongin, who'd finally defrosted, angrily snatched it back, drank it inhumanly fast, and promptly got a brain freeze.

"Let's go before you cause anymore mayhem." Felix said while poking Jeongin who was having a factory reset.

When they finally left, Felix grabbed Jeongin's hand and began swinging it back and forth while grinning.

"You're paying me back by the way."

skz oneshots😎Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon