Uncannily Real

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Jisung stepped closer to Hyunjin.

His heart was beating like he'd just run around the world. He had a horrible lurching feeling in his stomach that made him want to puke his lungs out; his face remained confident and smiling nevertheless.

"Hyunjin, I'm not sure how to say this properly, but I really really like you. Like a lot. I think about you more than I should, and I don't mind whether you don't like me or not but I just needed to say that." Jisung's chest lifted immediately, his heart slowed down and he smiled softly at Hyunjin who was grinning.

He closed the space between them and kissed Jisung with the utmost care, as if Jisung would shatter if he held him too roughly.

Jisung had expected a polite decline to his confession because that was the sort of person that Hyunjin was; and it was one of the reasons he loved him so much.

He'd have confessed much earlier if it meant that he could kissed those soft lips sooner.

He calmly broke away from the kiss and pulled Hyunjin slightly closer to him.


"I, what?"

"What do I say next?" Jisung demanded.

"You can't just pause here, it's the most important part of the story."


"I won't stand here all day waiting for an answer, I'll write this for myself."

Wait, no! You're not an experienced author like me, you'll mess it up!

"You're a bit full of yourself, aren't you? Calm your pants, it'll be fine." Jisung gave them a smirk.

"Will you be my baby girl forever?" The handsome Han Jisung said really really rad-ly.

"Yes, of course!" Hyunjin, Jisung's boyfriend giggled really cutely because Hyunjin is really cute.

No, no, no! You're ruining the story!

"Buzzkill, I was getting to a really good part." Jisung frowned at "the experienced author".

Just be quiet and stop talking to me, you're supposed to be inside the story.

"It's my story, and I can do whatever I want with it." Jisung stuck his tongue out in a very childish way.

Will you please shut up? You're meant to be written about, not writing what you're doing.

But Jisung was gone.

The door to Yeosoo's door opened rather abruptly and middle aged woman stepped in the room looking quite startled.

"Yeosoo, who on earth are you talking to? You're not on phone, and as far as I know, no one's snuck in." Her face held a very concerned expression; there were signature creases in her forehead.

"But wasn't..." She trailed off. How could she explain that one of the characters from her book had just been speaking to her? She'd be taken to a doctor, or even shipped off to a facility.


Yeosoo's eyes whipped over to where her mother was standing.

"You're not ok! You've been talking to people who aren't there! you've stopped speaking mid sentence and began staring at nothing, I'm worried about you!" Her mother burst into tears and sat on her bed.

Yeosoo lept to her feet and rushed to comfort her weeping mother. She was definitely going to be sent to a facility now, what had she done?

"I'm sending you to get help." Her mother choked out in between sobs.

Yeosoo didn't even blink.

She got up and grabbed her phone and some money and simply walked out of the door.

She was not crazy. And she wasn't going to be sent to some hospital.

And that was indeed the last time her mother ever heard from her.

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