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Title: Nothingness
Genre: Angst
Ship: N/A (Felix Centric)

TW: Substance abuse

Felix quietly slipped into the kitchen, trying not to make any sort of noise.

This was stupid. He shouldn't have to tiptoe into kitchens like a little kid trying to get food.

He flicked the light on silently and reached up to the shelf where Chan kept his stash of alcohol that he thought no one else knew about.

He felt around for any sort of bottle and brought it down when he found it.

It was a half empty (or half full?) bottle of red wine that he'd seen Chan drink from once or twice.

Felix let out a wry chuckle. Chan wouldn't empty a bottle this fast.

He opened it and brought it to his lips, feeling the bitter liquid run down his throat.
He grimaced slightly but soon felt the familiar warmth fill his body.

He reached up and turned the lights off, before sauntering back to his room.

He probably should've gotten a glass but currently, the only thing he could do was take small sips from the bottle in his hand.

It wasn't long before he felt his head fog up. None of his thoughts made sense even when he was sober anyway.

He took a long swig from the bottle and set it down on his table. He felt sleepy and fucked up. He tried to fall on the bed and missed it badly, landing harshly on the floor right next to it.

His head was pounding even more now. He felt like he'd cracked it open.
He tried to lift himself up but his hand slipped on a hot, sticky liquid.
He lifted his head slightly and saw that his hand was dark red. Was it the wine?

His eyes wandered to the dark abyss under his bed. Is there really a monster under the bed? He laughed bitterly. Fuck, if it's there, let it drag him to hell.

His head was starting to hurt less, soon the black abyss was all he could see.

If he was going to die, at least it'd be in his sleep.

He closed his eyes and put a sickly smile on his paling face.

Maybe it wasn't wine after all..


And when Jisung found him in the morning, his platinum blonde hair had been newly dyed red in some parts. Red, white, pink.

The wine sat on his desk. Opened and untouched since.

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