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Title: Bloodshed
Genre: Angst
Ship: Jeongsungmin

TW: blood

"We should do that again! That was fun..!" Jisung slurred.

Seungmin chuckled at Jisung's drunken state.
He got into the driver seat and waited for Jeongin to carry Jisung into the backseat.

He drove off once everyone was safely inside the vehicle. Jisung was gasping and pointing out every streetlight before he started coughing loudly and settled on gasping every time there was a dog on the street, which wasn't often seeing as it was 2 in the bloody morning.

Jeongin, who wasn't as stoned as Jisung was, was just giggling at everything Jisung was doing and eating skittles messily.

"Hey Sungkim..!" Jisung yelled butchering Seungmin's name.

"Yes Jisung?" Seungmin laughed shortly.

"I wanna drive! I never get to.. drive anygays .."

"Jisung! You can't drive you stupid chipmunk!" Jeongin giggled, slapping Jisung's shoulder playfully.

"I cannn!" Jisung whined shoving Jeongin lightly.

"Cmon Seungkim, lemme drive, I'll give you a lollipop.." He said smirking as if Seungmin would give in immediately.

"No Jisung, I don't want a lollipop." Seungmin snickered.

"How bout two??" Jisung said pulling two lollipops out of his wallet and waving them temptingly into front of Seungmin who pushed them out of his view.

"I'm good."

"Three then! Cmon, three's more than enough." Jisung said accidentally pulling four out before stuffing the last one back into his wallet.

"For the last time, no." Seungmin said becoming quite annoyed with the drunk man who was now waving three lollipops in front of his eyes.

"Pleaseeee!" Jisung whined really loudly.

"You know what?! Fine! Drive the fucking car." Seungmin braked abruptly making Jeongin slam his nose onto the seat in front of him.

He'd braked in the middle of the road, but that didn't matter. I mean, it was 2am for crying out loud, only a bunch of blinking idiots would be out right now. Oh wait.

He got out the driver seat and slammed the door before aggressively pulling the passenger door open and sitting down with his arms crossed.

Jisung squealed and climbed into the driver seat excitedly.

He put the car back into drive and sped down the road a lot faster than he should've been.

Jeongin had also transferred into the seat right next to Jisung and was shouting "faster faster!".

Seungmin's brows furrowed and he leant closer to Jisung who didn't even acknowledge him.

"Jisung, could you slow down? This is way too fast."

"Shut up Kimsung! This isn't even fast enough!" Jisung stepped on the accelerator even more and the car was shot down the road even faster.

Out of nowhere, a small child that looked around 8 years old, ran out onto the road.


It was so quick. Jisung's face was no longer smiling, his eyes were wide open and Seungmin wrenched the passenger door open and got slightly closer to the incident that he had caused.

He had allowed Jisung to drink and drive.

That kid had died because of his stupid decision.

A realisation dawned on him.
No one but them saw it happen.
Therefore, it didn't have to have happened.

Jeongin and Jisung were standing not too far away from where he was, both of them looking horrified.

"I killed a kid.." Jisung barely whispered.

He broke down crying in Jeongin's arms. Jeongin didn't even look at him.

"Get in the car." Seungmin spoke quite calmly despite his voice being a bit shaky.

"N-no, we have to take him to a hospital or something, we can't just-"

"I said get in the car. If anyone sees us here, we're in deep shit. Now get in the fucking car."

Jeongin pulled Jisung, who was still releasing gut wrenching sobs and carried him into the back seat once again.

Seungmin wasted no time in getting into the driver seat, and then they drove away.

Nothing's going to happen. No one saw it happen, so it didn't happen. It didn't happen.

Jisung had cried himself to sleep and was lying on Jeongin's lap, tears still streaming down his red face.

No one saw it. It didn't happen.
But they better remember to wipe the blood off the front of the car.

Feedback would be appreciated! Thanks for reading this :]
(Point out any mistakes, it's not proofread)

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