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Days went by much slower than she expected, but the nights felt painstakingly slow. The nightmares began when the Mrs of the mansion started serving her tea before bedtime. During her stay, they had shown her photographs and videos of her alleged past as Nesta. It was evident that Mrs Casterbridge was desperate for her to regain her memory. Cathy tried whenever she could to avoid consuming the tea, often she would spill it in a nearby flower pot but the nightmares still wouldn't end. " no", she panted heavily. "It won't end like this way," she mumbled. Her vision was hazy, she desperately stumbled through the meadow chasing a silhouette. "Nesta stop !" a voice called pulling her out of the meadow. She squirmed, but couldn't break free. Faster and faster the voices and the wind pulled her out of the foggy meadow and back into her room.

She gasped. Now wide awake and covered in sweat, she tried many nights to rationalize the source of her nightmares and only one word lingered in her mind. "Drugs". She plopped out of bed and inspected everything in the room as silently as she could, from the candles to bath soaps. Frustrated she threw her pillows on the floor. "Damn it! They want me alive but crazy? All for what?". A faint trickling sound captured her attention. 'What the fuck?' she thought. Seeds were spilling out of her pillow and dry herbs she did not recognise. "morning glory seeds? So that's what causing the crazy dreams"

Why would they gain by making her hallucinate? What were they trying to achieve? Think Cathy, think. " They want me close they think I am Nesta, the more I deny it the more crazy stunts they will pull," she mumbled chewing on her nails. She sighed, she was not sure of what kind of relationship Alessandro and the Casterbridge family had or how deep it was, but one thing was certain both parties needed her alive. " fine, if Nesta is who they are looking for, then Nesta I will be, till I can leave".

She dialled the only contact she had saved on her cell. "yes?" he groaned. She breathed heavily and sobbed. "Hello? " he asked, "Please get me out of here", she sobbed. "Nes, what's wrong?" he asked his voice even deeper this time and heavy with concern. She forced herself to cry even harder. " I think I am going crazy". "Hey hey hey, calm down. You're okay, I'm coming for you". It didn't take long for her to get ready and clean up the mess. Working in silence was her speciality but she prayed hard that her act would be convincing. Of the two manors, the Viper's den was the better hell. "signor please don't go any further, you will wake her up. Please?" pleaded the maids. "Then you bring her to me," he demanded. They tried tugging at his clothing " I am here for my woman and if you know what is best for you, you better fuck off" he growled, his grey eyes now dark. Nesta ran down the hall and into the living area at the sound of his voice. Pushing past the staff she clung to him. Her face was red and her eyes were wet and tear-stung.

"What the hell is going on here!" yelled the old lady in her bright yellow nightgown, " it's a little too early for your chaos". Her words didn't sound like they were directed at Allessandro. In response he grabbed Nesta by the waist and led her out of the house. "don't turn your back on me! What are you doing ? Stop him now!" she yelled. It was too late and the maids were not brave enough to chase after the viper. Instead, they tried to get Mrs Casterbridge to calm down.

Nesta was silent on the drive back. When she had gathered the courage to speak Alessandro lifted her hand to his face and gently kissed it. "I am sorry, I know it must have been overwhelming for you," he smirked, " that's what you would have wanted me to say right?" She stood still maintaining her neutral gaze but tensed slightly as he cupped her face and squeezed her cheeks. His eyes, again they were that ash grey color. " sweetie, don't forget I know you better than I know myself at times. Nice performance, who knew you were such a great actress?" he pushed her aside and made his way into the house. "your acting skills aren't too bad either," she responded, "thank you for getting me out of there"

" That was the smartest thing you've done since I brought you here," he walked back to her and firmly pulled her by her waist close enough for him to feel her heart beating. " since we are already acting as rebellious lovers," he leaned in to whisper in her ear, "we might as well share a bed tonight." Nesta turned away from him. He smirked and let her go. She maintained her neutral facial expression hiding as much emotion as she could. 'pervert, enjoy your fun while it lasts. Before I leave I will make sure you kneel before me'.

Lying on what had come to be her more familiar bed, three things bobbled about inside her mind. Greed, jealousy and desire. "The art of seduction" she breathed. It was one of the skills she had learnt during her training. It was a skill she wasn't very confident nor proud of but hey, it got the job done from time to time. " Nesta, if she's who you want, she is who you'll get viper." But who on earth was she?

"gud'mornin ma'am ," greeted a short strawberry blonde woman with a Texan accent, Nesta nodded and continued on her path to the kitchen. She watched the woman disappear into one of the rooms. "Who was that ?" She asked Xael. "Aurielle's art teacher, it is her first lesson on Monday mornings".Lesson? It does make sense that she was homeschooled, if I was in the mafia I wouldn't want my child in any private institution no matter how prestigious or 'safe' it claimed to be. "Ahem" Xael cleared his throat and handed her a clipboard, "it's in the east wing, second door to your left. Everything is as you left it, we made sure to preserve your office as best as we could" he smiled. Right, back here I'm a glorified secretary. She snatched the board out of his hands. " I will make Aureille's lunch today," she said sternly.

There was nothing Nesta hated more than paperwork. She had never imagined she would be stuck in her enemy's home filling and sorting out his paperwork. What frustrated her, even more, is how clean he was, everything about his art agency checked out, from the artists to the art and money flow everything was too clean. Her only lead so far was a suspicious delivery set to arrive in a week and the basement under his room. Staring at her phone she hesitantly dialled his number "Missing me already darling ?" he teased on the other end. He was always so quick to answer for someone who hated her. " I need you to confirm the guest list for the private exhibition next week, I've e-mailed you the list I got from Xael."

"Nesta look at this!" said Aureille rushing toward her with a canvas in hand. "Wow, did you make this?" she responded lovingly, "what's going on?" he asked. "I'll be waiting for the approved list," she said and ended the call. Turning to Aureille, she smiled. 'You little shit are gonna make my work here so much easier', she thought. "it's a beautiful painting," she patted her head, " how about we celebrate by going somewhere special just the two of us after we get you something to eat". "But, I Have two more classes today". "It's okay I will make sure you catch up by the end of the week, I just missed you so much" answered Nesta softly.

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