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"hey", he spoke softly , peeping into the room. "Damian", she croaked. "you okay sweetie?" his ash grey eyes dimmed with worry. Since the night in the study Nesta remembered how to tell the twins apart.. Damian had broader frame , his shoulders were slightly wider than his brothers. Alessandro had darker eyes than Damian. 'she looks so pale' he thougt taking in her shaky frame seated on the guest bed in Lynn's home. Her eyes watered , "hey hey, come here" as soon as he embraced her she broke down in tears. "what do I do now ?" she sobbed. Her goal was to capture the viper or at least gather intel on him so she could be reinstated. But now, now that she had discovered her history she had reverted to her old self, to Nesta Welsh.

Damian hushed her. "Nes", he began. She pulled away from him embarrassed about what just happened . she was never the emotional type as Catherine but, now, as Nesta she was pathetic. Damian's chest tightened at the sight of her tears. "hey, sweetie, look at me?" he cupped her face gently wiping away the tears and lifting her head to face him. "talk to me, Nesta. She sniffled, " I feel like I'm losing myself. I don't know what to do anymore". Damian settled down beside her patiently listening to her muffled sobs and mumbled statements. Just as she was about to cry again his lips met hers. . the warmth in his touch brought a stop to her crying. The more she received him the more her body relaxed. Sensing she had calmed down, he inched away from her. "I'm sorry you have to go through this. You wouldn't have to if only I had protected you better back then". "trust yourself, act as you feel till you've cleared your thoughts and when you're confused you come to find me yeah?"

She nodded not having heard much of what he said to her. Her mind was still concentrated on his taste. The peachy taste still lingered in her mouth.
She reached out for him but he gently pushed her away. "Nes, not like this", his eyes still troubled. "you're too vulnerable right now, let's get your mind cleared out first".

Back at the Castillo mansion, Alessandro was fuming. One of his men had come to give his monthly security report and showed him the footage from his study of Damian and Nesta. The more he watched the clip the tighter his jaws clenched. "That's imported leather," he gritted. He had always been greedy and materialistic. He never cared for Nesta or what she did when she wasn't pretending to be his wife as long it didn't interfere with his business. He realized, as he watched the clip, it was his first time witnessing what her personal life looked like. Slamming his laptop shut, he leaned back into his chair squeezing the bridge of his nose. "Have someone monitor them, make sure they don't do anything stupid in public." The security guard nodded, before he could leave the room Alessandro gestured to him. "get rid of that couch I don't care what you do with it just, get it out of here".

Feeling crowded and frustrated he dialled his brother's number but Damian rejected the call. Desperate for air, he stormed out of the study and made his way to his room. "She barely lets me touch her in public but she jumps to the couch at the very sight of him." He muttered. Maids went silent when they noticed him. Guards looked the other way even Xael avoided eye contact when he walked past him. "Darn it, everybody knows now"
the whispering and side-eyeing from the staff made his chest heat up even more and his head began to throb. Having had enough, he pulled out his phone and posted a notice on the staff's group chat. "take note that contracts are due for renewal in two months' time. Breach of the contract will result in legal consequences.
The text sent everyone on edge. As the day went on the gossip died down as fast as it had begun.

" Lynn, thank you and sorry about..." "it's okay", she interjected, "though I have to play widow now, I will always be here for you, you don't have to tell me what happened if you are not ready for it yet." Nesta pulled her in for a hug. " thank you, I'll call you when I get home." Lynn nodded " oh, nes, Damian, can we really trust him?"
they glanced at him "hmm, at least for now."

After having driven for a while, Damian turned off the radio and reached for her hand. " I've missed you " he placed a gentle kiss on the back of her hand. Flustered, Nesta giggled. He made her heart flutter but it all felt so natural and comfortable o her. "I was only gone for one night"
"After five years, a minute away from you feels like an eternity. She tightened her grip. If she had to choose from the memories she had of her life so far, she would always choose to be Nesta as long as Damian was a part of her life. "Damian," she said in no louder than a whisper," what kind of business are we into?"
He tensed for a moment, "Art, we run an art agency sweetie". "Damian, -"
"Nes, don't get curious, please, I don't want to lose you again". She hung her head. What good would knowing how their illegal shenanigans bring her? She was no longer Catherine, she had no power, no influence and most importantly, she had no balls to face the gruesome reality of that world.

"Hello?" said Damian attending to his phone, "what!?". The car skidded to a stop he stretched out his arm to stop Nesta from getting hurt. Startled , all she could do was blankly stare at him. "What? What's wrong?" she whispered, he gave no answer and turned the car around. Her stomach knotted up and her heart raced. "Darn it Sandro!" hissed Damian. Nesta's phone vibrated, it was a text from Lynn. "Girl, is it true? I just heard what happened to Alessandro. Are you okay?"

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