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It was ten forty-five AM by the time Nesta woke up. Damian's day had long begun and she probably wouldn't see him till evening. "Good morning Madam" gleamed Xael, bringing with him a tray of fresh waffles and milk tea. "May I brief you on your day today?" Nesta nodded trying to make sense of her surroundings. She hadn't slept so well in ages. She even forgot what she dreamt about. " You have to stop by the gallery in sunset meadow to inspect the new collection to be displayed in our art centre. After that you have lunch, Mr Castillo, at one pm and a hospital visit immediately after lunch," she stared at him slowly chewing on her breakfast, "is that all? She asked.
"Oh yes, Miss Lynn is visiting you this evening as well she never specified when she would come but I told her you are free anytime after eight. And your security has been doubled, you have two more guards who will be accompanying you as of today they will be introduced to you as soon as you are ready to start your day." He smiled proudly.
It bothered Nesta a little. Why did he look like he knew something she doesn't? "Did you win the lottery Xael?" She probed. He shook his head still wearing that goofy smile of his. "Your boyfriend finally buy you flowers?" She teased. He narrowed his eyes at her briefly, but still, he looked at her with that irritating smile. Placing her tray on the bedside table she gestured for him to sit down. "Out with it now, whos making you smile like that?" He grinned and answered, "You".

She studied his face, he was being honest." What about me?" she asked. He mischievously cleared his throat "oh you know, just how you finally are the madam we know you to be and how you are doing so well in your new position", "and how Mr Castillo spent the night in your room" he mumbled. Nesta's eyes shot wide open. Shit! She thought I'm married to Alessandro. It's a business marriage but the staff doesn't know that! Aggh how could we be so careless!? "Xael, It's not what you think" she began. He held her hand and patted it. "It is okay, I've known about you and Master Castillo since your sister's wedding. Don't worry I will make sure the staff knows everything that happens in this house stays in this house" he smiled. You sly bastard thought Nesta. She was never fond of Xael but she didn't hate him either. She could live with him if only he wasn't so darn irritating all the time. Pulling her hand away from him Nesta chose to ignore him rather than give him a sense of power. "Get my clothes and car ready. I'll run my bath today, I'm already behind time"

The sculptor Nesta met kept explaining his collection to her. The more he spoke, the more her thoughts drifted. Damian was all she could think about she was excited to see him nervous as to what he would say or do. "I'll have my new work delivered by the end of the week" the sculptor finished bringing Nesta back to the moment. She nodded, "yes that's okay my team will send you a truck so you don't have to worry about transportation". The sculptor relaxed and Nesta smiled at him. Noticing she might have made him nervous she moved closer to pat him on the back. "Good job," she praised, "don't push yourself to produce your work as the inspiration comes. You're in good hands with us". The young man smiled in relief. He was only sixteen years old and had risen to fame when he trained and signed with Castillo's agency. Nesta understood the feeling of constantly pushing to prove herself. To want to show that you made it not by luck, but by hard work.

Reaching into her purse she pulled out two hundred euros and placed it in the sculptor's hands. "I believe you haven't had lunch yet, today it's on me" she smiled and walked away. Nesta was so preoccupied with her thoughts she never noticed the rustic interior decor of the restaurant. The way vintage wallpaper married the modern yet simple furniture and lighting never caught her eye.

She bowed at the waitress who led her to the private dining room. 'If he doesn't bring it up, I should' she exhaled deeply before opening the door. Damian was already waiting. He still looked a bit tired but he was lively. His hair had curled up again because of his sweat. His cream dress shirt hugged him in all the right places not too tight, it was just right. His tie was placed over the empty chair next to him along with his jacket.

"There she is" he grinned. Nesta couldn't resist blushing at the sight of his dimples and goofy smile. "I thought you were going to be held up at the office so I went ahead and ordered for us" he continued. Nesta nodded with a smile and glanced at the arrangement before her. Damian was not a fan of spicy food, he couldn't handle it well yet, he had ordered all of her favourites and from the smell and looks they were all spicy. He leaned forward and gave her a tired teasing pout," oh, why is she so silent today? Is my pwincess mad at me?"

Nesta exhaled sharply and ran her hands along the table. She exhaled deeply. She couldn't hide her feelings from him. Whenever she was around him she was like an open book, like a child. At times she hated it, especially when they were in public. "Yesterday, at the hospital..." She looked up, studying his face. "What happened?" Damian straightened himself in his seat. His face was neutral. His jaw was clenched making his face look more chiselled. 'She finally asked' he thought. "We need to be more careful when we are out and about. Whoever attacked Sandro could come for us too. That delivery man, he seemed to know you."
Nesta held her breath. Should she lie or tell him the truth? The truth? Where should she even begin? How does she tell him the man whom he bumped into is her friend who also happens to be hunting his brother on behalf of the national intelligence? "He is someone I've known for a while now", she began, " he won't put us in danger he was only checking up on me". Damian's face darkened. Nesta began to take even deeper breaths. Trying to remain composed. Her training had made her fearless or so she thought. Whenever she saw Damian getting angry she would shake to her core, and her hands and feet would go cold. He was the only thing she feared in the world.

"Nesta, " he growled, "that man, Shawn, stay away from him". Shawn? Does he mean biggie?
Sensing her confusion, Damian wiped his face with his hand and continued. "The man, the delivery man. His name is Shawn Boulevard. He is the reason Allesandro is in hospital. He is a dangerous man Nes, stay away from him". His voice was stern and his eyes were now a deep shade of grey. Nesta let the words resonate in her head. Shawn Boulevard. Gathering her courage she asked, "Shawn works for the intelligence, I feel for Sandro but legally," she swallowed hard knowing she was angering him even more," legally, we are in the wrong. Biggie is just carrying out his duties." Damian glared at her in silence. Nesta tried her best not to break eye contact but she was shaking so much internally that she folded.

"Shawn is the reason I lost you Nes." He said in a low tone, "he is not who you think he is. He is one of us. Our rival in our world".Nesta froze, overwhelmed by the angry man before her and the words he had just uttered, tears streamed down her face. No, she knew biggie was is too stupid and too innocent for that. She shook her head. "Biggie works for" she tried to reason but was cut off by Damian moving from his seat to settle down beside her. "Honey, Shawn is one of the biggest drug smugglers in the 'underworld' " he grabbed her by the shoulders as if he was grounding her. Trying to get her to accept this harsh truth. "He is a double agent within the force, he was behind the attack at the hotel five years ago. "

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