Twenty One

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Nesta was almost shaking with anger and anxiety as Lynn drove them to the the Intelligence offices. Damian, no, the Castillo's and Canterbridge's have never been in police custody before. Sure once in a while a poor performing employee would be the scapegoat but even so, they always managed to get them out to finish them off. Lynn had barely parked the car when Nesta had flung the door open and was racing up the stairs.

The doors to the office banged open and in a calm manner Peter excused the junior officers who had gathered to report to him. "Pete what is the meaning of thi-" Nesta was cut off by his sudden embrace.
" I couldn't believe it when Shawn told me. I just had to see it for myself. Thank you, thank you for staying alive kiddo" he breathed and removed himself from her. She took a few steps back to compose herself. "Pete, what is happening, why is Damian being detained?" He walked round his mahogany table and pulled a few pictures and a report statement from one of his drawers.

Skimming through the report, Nesta threw it back on the table and scoffed. "Peter, these are the Castillo's we are talking about. Narcotics? They deal with art and military weaponry" "maybe they wanted to expand their client base by venturing into new fields?" he suggested. Nestaclasped her hands together and pressed them against her lips as she slowly lowered herself onto the chair behind her. " you could have turned a blind eye Pete, for my sake," she pleaded, "I have come this far , you cannot risk blowing my cover just give me more time"

He leaned against the table and studied her for a while. "who's side are you really on? Is this Cathy speaking or Nesta? The Castillo's might not have an interest in drugs but I can't say the same for your family , Miss Welsh". Her heart sunk a little, a part of her knew Peter as her guardian, her mentor and so much more and now , with Shawn being a nemesis of the Castillo's and a possible danger to her. She couldn't help but question whether or not Pete was working with Shaw. " Pete," she sighed disappointed , " I may not have chosen the family I was born into and yes, yes, I joined the force under very questionable circumstances but, this has become a part of me now."

He forrowed his eyebrows as he watched her rise from her seat. " Look kiddo , I am glad you are alive and well but I cannot allow any loose ends not on this case. You are a valuable asset if you are with us."
Nesta had heard that line one too many times after she messed up on a mission. Her skills made him nervous. She wasn't even curious as to how or when he found out about her past and who she truly is. Convinced he was not going to be of any help, she sluggishly made her way to the door. " I guess it can't be helped then. You never wanted me on this case in the first place, this is me officially withdrawing"

Lynn caught up with Nesta once she spotted her in the corridor. "It seems like they are working on suspicion and no concrete evidence so they have no choice but to release him after 48hours", she grabbed Nesta's hand to slow her down, " It's strange though, the lawyer in there isn't one the family's lawyers". Nes sighed deeply. "Call Sandro , tell him to sort this out" "Nes, I already have. He seemed to be aware of the situation but, isn't really interested in helping."

Damian was acting CEO at the agency while Alessandro was hospitalized.This could cause major damage to their image if the media caught wind of it and he had no interest in resolving it? "just, just try and keep this out of media for now, I will deal with Sandro." Damian refused her visit while she was still at HQ. The entire trip home Nesta's work phone rang more than eighty times. Most share holders in the company had heard of Damian's arrest and were voicing their concern about their reputations.

The last call she answered really sent her over the edge. "Nesta! Nesta what is this about you getting a divorce!? Why did not tell me first?" Screamed Evander on the other end of the line. Exhausted, Nesta threw herself onto Alessandro's bed. Determined to wait for him there so he would have no choice but to speak to her. "Divorce?" "yes! Dad was having your room cleaned up and told me you would need it since you are getting divorced" "what? When was this? Err when did you hear of this?" "This morning, I have been trying to call you since but you haven't been answering. Nes, I think you need time away from everything. Just go somewhere for a while, I can help you"

She shook her head, "no, no I am not running away from this. Thank you, for letting me know. I will take care of the rest" She couldn't believe what she heard. She had waited he whole life for this moment but something didn't feel right. Why now? The timing was off. Damian gets arrested and suddenly her father approves of her to get a divorce? To make matters worse, she made it clear to Peter who's side she was on and what she will be fighting for. "This is too much of a coincidence" she thought to herself. Seconds turned to minutes which grew into hours and before she knew it, Nesta had slipped into a deep sleep in Sandro's room.

It was about eleven pm by the time he came home. Watching her lay there on his bed he felt a whirl of emotions. She was beautiful even in her sleep. Yet, even though he was partly admiring her, he couldn't help but pity her and feel anger for all the things she had to through as well as what was to him, the dullest mistake of her life. Not, choosing him , willingly. Finally after a few moments of watching her, he gently pulled the duvet in an attempt to cover her. The sudden movement woke her. In a panic Alessandro resorted to what he knew best. "Get off my bed! Why are you even here?" he grumbled. "Is that all you have to say to me?" she responded in a raspy voice. His heart fluttered at the sight of her fully awake, hair slightly messy and sleepy eyes. Clearing his throat he pulled his best poker face " I know about Damain," he began in a slightly bitter tone, " It will be taken care of , don't get involved".

Nesta scoffed internally, so now you have decided to take action? She stared at him for a while , his eyes were not as dark and cold as they usually were. After a moment she finally asked, "Why divorce me now? I don't see what you have to gain from it. In fact, you would be running a loss" Sandro kept his posture and expressions cool and neutral. He bent over to open up his laptop bag and pull out the brown envelope which Nesta assumed had her divorce papers.

Swallowing hard, he handed the envelope to her in silence. His heart stung as he did so. Cutting her off as his wife would mean the Welsh family now had an excuse to cut all possible ties with them , business wise.Watching her open it, he reflected on his marriage. It almost made him laugh. Sure, it wasn't the best experience, in fact , it was a mere business contract. It was a contractual agreement but, it was his first marriage and his first time being cheated on. "Sandro," she whispered in disbelief, and continued perusing through the documents. He carefully sat down next to her. "Sandro," she whispered again.

He smirked stiffly. "thank you," she continued. " why should you thank me for looking after my brother? It is my Job. Besides you finally get what you wanted". Mr Welsh had agreed to clear up Damian's scandal if only Alessandro divorced Nesta and sent her back home."you , take your time with it. The agreement was I only sign those papers after Damian is home safe and sound. If you don't mind, I've had a long day. I need to rest"

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