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Nesta smiled when she saw enter the room. " the nurse said we can leave after i finish my IV. So in about 45minutes we can leave." Damian was lost in his thoughts he nodded but was visibly absent minded. Nesta waved her hand in front of his face. She was starting to worry. "Damia-" .He grabbed her hand and pulled himself closer to her. "Nes, what exactly did that man deliver?" He demanded. "Uh- he he came to see me. He is an old friend of mine from the secret service."

'I knew his walk seemed familiar' he thought. His eyes searching hers before letting go of her hand and dashing into the corridor. "Damian , whats wrong? Where are you going?" Her voice echoed down the hall. 'Shawn' he thought racing through the buolding searching for him. His brisk walk toward the entrance was brought to a halt when his eyes caught a glimpse of the man in uniform he saw in Nesta's room. He was leaning against his car casualy waving at him. Damian clenched his jaw and charged toward him. When he got to the car he grabbed biggie by the collar and shoved him against the vehicle. "Ohh Castillo, i didn't know you were kinky" he whispered. Damian clenched his jaw even more and tightened his grip around biggie.

"How dare you show yourself here!? " growled Damian. Biggie smiled and waved at a group of interns walking past them. Remmebering he was in public Damian let go of him and took a step back. "Well, Castillo, to answer your question. You have something that belongs to me and i just want to take it back" he said while straightening his vest. "You will never have her. If i ever see you near my woman again, it will be your last moment on this earth. I'll make sure of it." Biggie smiled and stepped closer to him. "Tsk tsk tsk. She was always mine Castillo and i will have her back" he straightened Damian's shirt but his hand was violently swatted away.

"See you soon Mr Castillo~" he sung when he entered his car and began to drive away.

Damian's blood was boiling. Why did Shawn have to appear at that moment? Why was he so desperate for her that he even had to attack Alessandro to get his message across? Most importantly, Why Nesta? How long has been planning this? Meanwhile , Nesta was growing restless in her room. The IV seemed to be moving slowy since Damian left the room.

'Why would he get so worked up over biggie?' Was he jealous? Damian had always been the playful but calm twin.He was a peoples person. Growing up everyone knew who Damian Castillo was. He knew how to take jokes and always put others before himself. His anger was a problem but he was never the jealous type Alessandro on the other hand was uptight , very logical but unreliable most of the time. Despite his tough act Sandro was the most sensitive, even though he tried to hide it. Nesta knew how he would spend some nights crying in the dark.

"Was Damian acting out cause he was scared what happened to me might happen again?"

His brother was lying in hospital. The woman he loved recently found herself again. Not wanting to lose anyone again or put anyone in danger might have been why he acted that way. She reasoned.

Nesta jumped out of her bed as Damian walked back in. His face was blank, sweat along his hairline made the hair curl. His dress shirt was roughly unbuttoned at the top. She wanted to speak but now wouldn't be the best time to say anything. She stood by her bed in silence and let him hug her for a moment before he ploppled himself on the couch not far from her window. He was tired. She was confused but none said a word. Not when Nesta finished her IV. Not on the drive home. They spent the rest of the evening in silence.

"Xael," she began, "yes madam?" He answered. Sensing what she wanted to ask he continued."he hasn't eaten yet. He is still awake in the study should i call him for you?"

"You dont need to" Damian answered in a deep tired voice. " You are done for tonight Xael, leave us, please". Xael bowed and left the room. Walking toward the bed he slowly removed his silver bracelets placing them on the bedside table before crawling into the bed. His face was still emotionless. Nesta turned to face him and they gazed at each other for a moment. All that they couldn't say they tild eah other with their eyes.

He leaned in to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. She moved closer to him in response. Now laying on her bed, wrapped up in his arms Nesta felt his blood was warmer than usual tonight. He was bigger, heavier than she was but tonight, she could feel the weight of his worry in his arms so tightly wrapped around her waist and his hot breath that brushed against her brows. He wasnt asleep he was calculating, planning his next move. "He's had a rough day" she thought brushing the hair away from his face, "tomorrow, tomorrow will be different as long as he is here thats all i need. I will deal with everything else tomorrow".

He exhaled deeply in a tired manner when he felt Nesta rest her leg on his. Peeking at her, she was already drifting off to sleep. Seeing her relaxed made him less tense and able to rest for most of the night.

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