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"Next time you meet him let him know there are consequences to his actions. We aren't out to play house he should stop being so childish." grumbled Sandro from across the room. His eyes fixated on hers, blazing with anger. " why don't the two of you stop being bitches about it and pour out your heartfelt insults to each other's faces." Nesta continued undressing. She was too tired to care that her 'walking headache' had been discharged , she would deal with him and his attitude tomorrow. Right now she was too tired, too offended and too numb to care.

Watching her slip on her nightgown he snorted on his way out "that's what my brother is crazy about? Not much to look at if you ask me". Before he made it halfway across the room Nesta's bed-side lamp came crashing into his thigh. Fragments of the light bulb scattered across the room. "If you love being in the ICU so much just say the word, who knows? Maybe one of us will be able to send you back there" her sweaty hair clumsily framed the side of her face. She knew that despite being in a cast , he could still over power her.

She knew he was just looking for an excuse to start trouble but right now, she was also looking for a stress outlet. Lying to Lyn, her one true friend she had had in a long time, the thought of having to betray Damian, being fooled by Shawn, her heartless father and his bimbo. It was all suffocating , she needed to let it out somehow, and fast. Sandro stared at her for a while. "What? Wanna get rid of me too? Come on! Go for it!" she yelled charging toward him and shoving him about. He was lighter than before. "Do it! Do it!" she burst into tears but continued shoving and throwing weak punches at his chest. Grabbing her by her left arm and pulling it to her face level he asked in a low and almost soft voice "Why him? I was trying too you know?"

With that he let go of her and made his way out of her room shoving past Xael as he did so. "Miss Welsh, are you okay?" panicked Xael. He tip-toed around the broken glass to attend to Nesta. Who, had now thrown herself onto her bed in frustration. Not knowing how to comfort her, he chose to clean up instead. Stealing glances at her just to make sure she is calming down. Nesta had exhausted all her energy while throwing her tantrum. As if she didn't have enough problems already, now she had to worry about Alessandro and what he might do to her family following her father's threats to cut business ties. I was trying too.

Thinking about his words had her sitting in a trance-like state not wanting to admit what he meant. Trying? Trying? Trying what? No, no no, he hates you Nesta, you were nothing but surety to secure his position. Shortly after Xael had tidied up the room Lynn came rushing in. What happened?she mouthed to Xael who shrugged and mouthed back. Looks like they had a fight, her and master Sandro. No,no,no thought Nesta. Hitting herself in the head. Get yourself together Nesta, you are not weak,don't let it get to you! Lynn grabbed her hands and sat down beside her, forcing her into a hug. "it's okay, it's okay" Lynn husshed.

The last thing she remembered was sobbing in Lynn's arms. Now, she was stuck between Damian's arms and he was still fast asleep.I must have been dead asleep, she thought. The first rays of the morning light seemed to illuminate his best features. From his beautiful jawline to his chiselled chest and shoulders.It all seemed to glow when the light hit his milky skin. She slowly and carefully wiggled out of his hold. Just as she was about to reach the edge of the bed he grabbed her inner thigh and pulled her back to him. "I didn't mean to wake you" she whispered. He groaned and brought his head closer to her chest. "we have the day off , we don't have to leave our bed yet" he complained. She tucked his hair away from his face. "what time did you come to bed?" "I don't know. I don't remember."

Meanwhile at one of the Casterbridge's warehouses, a tall figure slowly approached the shadow hidden in behind a shelf of the oldest stock. "did you have to go this far?" asked Alessandro pointing at his cast. " I was hurt too" chuckled the shadow, "When do we make our next move? I hate to drag things out, the sooner we get this done the better" . Sandro smirked, "why the hurry? There is no need to rush.First take care of that Damian. Take care of him , then we can move ahead with the original plan". The man in the shadows leaned against the wall with his head and crossed his ankles. After blowing bubbles with his chewing gum several times he raised his head with a cocky grin on his face. "hmm,Damian sounds like a you problem. He was never part of the deal. Take care of him and i will prepare for the exhibition".

Alesssandro clenched his jaw when the man patted his shoulder before he left the warehouse. " better hurry, like I said, I hate dragging things on. Oh, and tell Nes I said hi" he whispered, his cocky grin growing even wider with every word he said. Furious, all Sandro could do was kick at the shelves next to him. He was raised to always be in control and now his cloudy judgement made him get involved in what felt like a slave contract. He had to do the dirty work this time to make sure he keeps his position all to himself. "argh!" , he continued to lash out at the shelves till his secretary came rushing in. "I said don't follow me!" he screamed. Adjusting his suit he cleared his throat and gestured they leave the place.

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