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"oh my gosh you lie!" gasped Lyn, " He did that!? But why I thought this was a business marriage to him" . Nesta exhaled deeply and shifted in her seat to fully face Lyn. " I think its just possessiveness you know, he was raised to be very greedy" . So sharing something that isn't really his... I would be frustrated too.
I think all he wants is to be respected you know, like act like his wife when you in public and respect him enough to not let him 'third wheel' around Damian and you. Nesta nodded. Lyn had a point , Sandro loved nobody but himself so respect must be what he wants. Also Nes, are you sure you will be able to bring these guys down? Can you bear to continue this mission? Lyn's expression was empathetic, Nes could see the pity and worry that filled her eyes. Of course, that's why I keep moving forward.

Lyn reached out for her hand and gently stroked it. Nesta, im worried for you. You love him, you've fallen for him I think you should pull out while you can. I'm just worried you will wont be able to move on once this is all done. Nesta chuclked trying to avoid the fact Lyn was trying to adress. Lyn, I'm not in love with Alessandro, I will pull it off.

Nesta! She sighed desperately, that's a childish trick you trying to pull. We both adults here, you know Im not talking about him. There is nothing wrong with falling in love but falling for the target, literally falling for the job? She moved closer to her, You only going to hurt yourself Nes. A brief sharp pain struck Nesta in the chest. Rosalyn really thought of her as her friend, her closest ally and her sister. She had been nothing but honest with her but she kept so many secrets from her. If she told her the truth her cover would be compromised and she could loose Lyn in the process.

Lying to her made her feel like she was using her to accomplish her goals, even though she also thought of her as a sister, she couldn't carelessly tell her the truth. At least not now. Nesta gently took hold of both Lyn's hands, I do love him and I promise I will be careful but remember the real target here is Sandro. He is the don, he is the Viper not Damian. Damian is on our side, I can promise you that. I tried I really did , you better be sure about fucking the enemy Nes. She calmly made her way to the door before banging it behind her. Nes, understood her concern, her anger but how could she explain the lifelong bond between her and Damian.

Nesta hadn't heard from Shawn since his attack. Damian had also been busy standing in for his brother. A world without Alessandro she could imagine but a world without Damian that was something else. Her phone buzzed and vibrated in her Prada custom purse. It was a text from Evander. "come home this evening, dad wants to see you, its urgent". Why? Her father never paid attention to what she did, unlike Evander who , like Alessandro, was the family puppet. Basically groomed to take over the family assets and be the model child. Nesta got away with almost everything the only thing she couldn't escape was this fake marriage. "did he say why he wants to see me?" No, but he said to come alone. Pass by at any time.

Had he found about her and Damian? Or was he not happy about her not checking in after she regained her memories? Whatever reason he had Nesta had a bad feeling about having to meet him. She spent the rest of the day carrying around feelings of anxiety and frustration. "Nes, is it that bad?" whimpered Aurielle clasping her sketchbook close to chest. Her tear-stung eyes snapped Nesta out of the 'auto-pilot' mode she had been on the whole day.

"no, no no. It's amazing sweetie. I'm sorry I just , I've had a bad day today I'm zoning out cause im tired but I swear your art is amazing," she grabbed her shoulders gently, " you are a Castillo , art is who you are" . Xael cleared his throat and gestured it was time for her to go. She nodded in his direction. Looking back at Aurielle she patted her head and spoke gently as she stooped to her level. " I'm sorry about tonight, I'll make it up to you.You just think of what you want us to do together and I will make it happen". Sniffling , she nodded in agreement and loosened her sad grip on her sketchbook.

The Welsh residence was not like how Nesta remembered it. The walls were brighter , the chandeliers bigger and the art pieces more bizarre. Who decorated this place? "Mrs Castillo has arrived" announced some washed up -looking butler. Even the mad hatter from Alice in wonderland looks less shittier than you. "Im still a Welsh I never changed my last name " she hissed at the butler, "do your homework or shut your lips". Everything about the place made Nesta cringe. The bright mismatched , uncoordinated wall paint and furniture to the staff's uniforms. "Oh Nesta!" cried a woman in a bright yellow breezy dress and handkerchief in one hand. "my darling I'm so glad you are here!" she began to sob clinging onto Nesta. In a polite attempt to free herself from the awkward hug Nesta felt the woman's shoulder bones when she tapped her on her back. Oh my gash , she must have mistaken being frail for being petite.

After the woman cried, hugged and mumbled inaudibly multiple times she finally led Nesta to the new dining area. "Oh im Nancy by the way, im so happy you are safe". Her father was already seated and enjoying his diner. Evander smiled gently when she saw her and her brother in law looked like he didn't know if he should greet her or start eating. Pausing, Mr Welsh looked up at her like she had gone out on an errand and just came home. "sit , the food is getting cold". Nesta scoffed and took her seat opposite her sister. He hadn't seen his daughter in five years and the first thing he says is sit? When Nancy took her seat beside her dad, her suspicion was confirmed. Nancy was her new step-mom. Who knows how many women he has had in the past five years.

Nancy's sweet smelling perfume and her love for attention gave Nesta the feeling that she wouldn't last long in the Welsh mansion. She must've clearly revamped the place because Evander was far much classier than all the 'rubbish' she was seeing around her. She looked like she was getting far too much botox and plastic surgery but her looks and behaviour where just disgusting but the least of Nesta's worries. " I hear your husband got shot", he began, " he seems to be getting lazy and clumsy even in business."
ah what did I expect from you, to think even old age can't soften your character is disappointing.

"it was an acci-" "move back in here by Thursday next week, I don't care if you bring one of your maids or that braty step-child of yours but I want you back here by Thursday" , interjected Mr Welsh. He continued with his meal and her brother in law hesitantly lifted his fork and slowly began to eat. Nesta stared at her father for a while. She was trying to figure out if he was always this rude or if he became worse since she went missing. "what are you glaring at? Fix your face, you making me lose my appetite" he grumbled. " no" Nesta answered softly but loud enough for him to hear. He paused then banged his cutlery on the table. "What?"

Turning to face him Nesta grasped at her skirt under the table , mustering the strength to continue. " My answer is no, I will not be moving in here. You married me off, I am part of the Castillo's now and that is where I will stay" . He scoffed, " you brat, your mother really spoilt you didn't she? I wont repeat myself, do as I say" . Nesta stood and grabbed her purse and tucked in her chair. "If that's all you wanted to say to me then I should be on my way now." "If you walk out that door and don't walk back on Thursday I am pulling my funding to the Castillo's"
Biting back tears Nesta stood firmly, "I've been through hell during the past five years, I went through even worse in the last few months but all you care about is your money?" Evander tried to walk to her side to calm her down but Nesta gestured her to stay away. " A fake hug would've been nice, I agreed to this marriage so Evander wouldn't have to suffer but I refuse to be a pawn in your monetary transactions! Until you are ready to be a father don't contact me"

"Nesta Welsh how dare you!" he scolded. She turned around once more at the exit of the dining room, "oh and you" she said to Nancy, " don't over do it or you might be out of here faster than you can say makeup".

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