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Since her appointment with Daniel, Nesta's sleep problem only worsened. Taking care not to wake the tween next to her. She silently slipped out of bed and made her way to her office. The door had been left ajar. Peeping inside she saw Damian slowly walking around the room. A cup of coffee in one hand and a book in the other. His jet-black hair seemed to glisten in the moonlight. It was her first time seeing him dressed in casual clothing. It seemed to hug him in all the right places. His gold-rimmed glasses highlighted his sharp jawline and dim office lights struck his exposed veins in the right ways. It was then that Nesta realised how attractive he was and how sexually frustrated she was."could ask you the same thing" he replied in a low tone, not taking his eyes off the book. She hated how his deep voice sent sparks racing up down her spine, shaking her to her core. "hmm" she hummed.

Completely mesmerized by the man before her, it attracted her to him, she wouldn't bother lying to herself. " The exhibition is tomorrow, you have a busy day today", she said in a more seductive tone than she had intended. Noticing how close she was getting he placed both his coffee and the book down on a nearby table and turned to face her crossing his arms across his chest. 'what the...'His dark gaze met hers. He looked tired but not intimidating yet somehow his gaze brought her to a halt. "Do you remember everything?" he asked. "Who are you?" she demanded calmly. His eyes, his eyes were strange. They were not the light grey eyes she was used to, not the eyes she had seen in the office and around the museum. His eyes were a darker shade of grey the kind that speckles of black and his arms. He looked like Sandro almost sounded like him, but after carefully eyeing him he was slightly taller. "you, okay sweetie?" he closed the distance between them and brought his hands to rest on her waist. "Da...Damian?" she stuttered.

A sly smirk crept onto his face, " so you do remember me". Those eyes, they were the same eyes that glared at her when she stormed into the master bedroom and slapped him. Alessandro had a twin! How could I forget they were twins? Damian had boycotted her wedding when she married his brother. They never really interacted much after that. He was always nice to her when she was still dating Alessandro but suddenly went awol after the wedding. He was her closest friend but he just disappeared without a trace. And now, here he was standing before her, suddenly the memory of him pinning her in place on his bed sent a toe-curling sensation up and down her body. He inched even closer maintaining his gaze.

"what took you so long? I almost gave up on you, almost," he breathed. "Damian, how long... You were the one who brought me here weren't you?" He wrapped his arms around her gently squeezing her. He was too close, so close Nesta could feel him, all of him. She didn't fight it, a big part of her didn't want to. "I've missed you Nes," he whispered before leaving a soft kiss on the crook of her neck. His hot breath almost made her knees cave in. She brought one hand up to cup his face."Why? Why did you pretend to be your brother at first? Why couldn't you just tell me? Where is Alessandro? Why did you go M.I.A?"

He studied her before clearing his throat and reluctantly answering, " I didn't want to confuse you, Sandro will be back next week he is away on...business" choosing to completely ignore the last part of her question. She knew what their 'business' was so there was no need to hide it from her. Unless that 'business ' involved her, but Nesta couldn't focus on such thoughts at least not in front of him. ' gosh why did he have to be so darn hot '.Maintaining his gaze, he studied her, monitoring her reaction to his hand slowly inching its way down her lower back and tracing its way along her hip and resting it just below her ass. Nesta felt her blood rushing through her veins. The feeling of his pulse throbbing from Damian's lower body made her more aroused. ' I'll forget about him in the morning,

I just need this now she reasoned. Placing her arms around his neck, she pulled him in kissing him desperately. He relaxed at her response and squeezed her thigh causing her to moan at the sudden movement. Nesta couldn't recall when last she was so hungry for someone. She knew at some point before she got with Sandro that Damian had had a crush on her, even after they became besties a part of her always found him attractive. After all her wedding to Alessandro was nothing but a business transaction. A form of 'surerity' between their families. The man in her warm memories and the man down the aisle were two different people. It was at that moment she was sure who Damian was. In one swift movement, Damian carried her and moved to the couch gently placing her on top of him so she was comfortably straddling him. She leaned into him passionately kissing him savouring every moment. His hands impatiently moved back up to her lower back, trying to rid her of her t-shirt dress.

She let him slip it off and then rid him of his tee. She pulled away from him, her hands gently tracing down his chest as she leaned back to admire his well-sculpted torso. He pushed back the stray strands of hair from her face. "he has bulked up a lot since I last saw him" she thought. Smirking he moved to one of the more spacious sofas laying Nesta down on her now bareback. "Gosh you're gorgeous," he said breathlessly. He removed his sweatpants so fast she barely had a chance to catch a glimpse of anything. Before she knew it he was hovering over her again cupping her breast and leaving hot kisses along her collarbone. She could feel herself oozing all over his inner thigh.

"Damian" she breathed shakingly. Her body remembered him very well. ' I shouldn't be here' she thought. But it was too late she was already unable to think straight and before could reason any further She was screaming out and tugging at his hair and muscular back as he buried himself inside of her. "fuck" he groaned. Moments went by and soon Nesta's legs went numb. She couldn't keep them wrapped around him any longer. His back was much broader than it looked. "gosh, I won't last long" she almost squeaked gripping tighter onto his shoulders and back. After a few more moments, he raised his head off her chest to face her.

"It's okay," he breathed wiping the tears off her cheeks. The deeper he went the higher she felt herself soaring."Use your words sweetie" he groaned. The tone of his voice made her toes curl and her eyes roll. Her body came alive, she felt the burn between them with every movement. He sat up between her legs watching her. When she calmed down he leaned in to kiss her one last time. " five years, I waited five years for you Nes," he said, she cupped his face, gazing into his heavy eyes she could tell there was something big eating him up. Something must have happened to him within those years. It worried her. "I'm here now, I am not going anywhere" she smiled.

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