Chapter seven- A walk in the park and cuddling

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Liam's P.O.V

The next morning I didn't have work so I could spend the time with my cute little Niall. He is so innocent and his Irish accent sounds so cute. Anyway. I got out of bed as Niall was still sleeping and went to the kitchen. I decided on making toast for us, I know Niall will probably wake up soon so I'll do some for him. I heard a scream come from our room so I run as fast as I could up there.

When I got there I saw Niall frantically searching around the room

"Nialler hun what's wrong? what you looking for? why did you scream?" So many questions come out of my mouth I couldn't stop them.

"Liam, N-Niall thought that Liam Had Left Niall" he said flinging him self at me. I wrapped my arms around his skinny, frail body. He snuggled his head in my neck

"Oo Niall (Niall: Oo me hahaha aaood2 joke humour) I would never leave you hun, I was making toast which I better get back to or it'll be burned" I said, I felt him nod against my neck and he got out of our little hug, I held his hand and led him downstairs, I sat him at the table and got our toast out.

I put mine on one plate and put his on another. I put the plate in front of him and he looked at it curiously

"How does Niall eat toast? he's ate all the other stuff but not Toast or cereal?" he asked

"you pick it up and bring it to your lips and bite into it like this" I explained showing it to him, he copied my lead and his eyes lit up with joy.

"This is good, Niall likes toast" he said smiling and carried on eating

"glad you like it Sweetie" I said and carried on eating mine. Once we finished I grabbed our dishes and dumped them in the sink to do later. "OK how about a walk in the park?" I asked and he nodded eagerly "come on let's go get dressed and maybe later we can get you some clothes" I said and he nodded.

I grabbed his hand and led him back up to our room and sat him on the bed. I went to my wardrobe and got a red polo which looked like it would be a bit big for him but it would help hide his tail. I grabbed me a checkered button up top, two pairs of tan skinny jeans and socks and converse. Once we was dressed I helped Niall put his socks, shoes, hide his tail and put his beanie on and we was ready to go.

I let Louis know we was going to the park for a walk so he wouldn't go over and if he did he has his own key to get in.

Louis' P.O.V (Surprise CHANGE OF P.O.V'S YAAAY)

Liam and Niall was going for a walk in the park so me and my kitten was going to snuggle up on the sofa and watch movies

"YOU READY KITTEN?" I shouted up the stairs to Harry, I found Harry wandering the streets with tattered clothes on last year so I took him in and it just so happened he is a hybrid,

"NEARLY LOU" I heard him shout. I got my favourite film Grease and Harry's favourite film Bambi ready and got our blanket ready. When Harry came down he put Bambi on and plopped down on my lap. "Hey sexy I love you" he said kissing me.

"hey gorgeous I love you more" I said, but before we could get further into that Bambi had started. We spent the day cuddling and watching films.

Liam's P.O.V

It was time to go home and Niall was already tired

"Niall enjoyed today" he said suddenly

"I did two love" I said and we went home.

When we got in I made us supper and we decided it was late enough to go to bed or have a nap.

Authors Note:-So its 1:06 am here in Britain and I decided to update.

Shannon you are better writer than me.

I would like to thank Niam36 for being there for the story since the beginning

I hope you liked this one.



Deeply in love -Niam Horayne-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora