Chapter Twenty-One - Niall Day

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Chapter Twenty-One.
Niall Day.
Liam's P.O.V.


It's been an entire week since I've gotten My Little Nialler back and during that week, he slept safely and soundly in my arms. There was no hope of me letting him go.

"Since we've got you back, we're going to have a 'Niall Day' to celebrate!" I announce, causing everyone to cheer.

"What's a 'Niall Day'" My Little Nialler asks me.

"Well, Nialler, it's when we all do what you want us to for the whole day!" I explain.

"Who's going to be there?" He enquires.

"Me, you, Haz and Lou," I inform him with a small smile on my face.

"I want you to paint the house green," Nialler requests.

"Whoa, you certainly don't waste any time, do you?" I ask, chuckling.

"We need paint, let's go!" After this, we end up in a Paint Shop where Niall picks out a shade of green named 'Four Clovers Green.'

We drive straight home to begin painting.

"Oi!" Haz shouts at Lou after a load of Green paint splatters into Haz's curls.

"What?" Lou asks, a look of innocence crossing his face. This didn't fool us; Lou's mastered his drama.

"It was you!"

"It was Liam!" I threw a paintbrush worth of paint at Lou for blaming me.

Harry then throws paint at me go flicking paint at Louis and this ends in a paint war.

This 'Niall Day' just got serious.

"Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh!" I let out a battle cry as I rush to take my place of hiding behind the sofa.

Knowing that no one will see me, I begin to slowly crawl into the kitchen.

Half an hour later, the boys are surrendering.

"WE SURRENDER!" Haz and Lou scream out in unison.

"Hah! I won!" I call out as I reveal myself from my hiding place.

"Everyone! Paint! Now!" Nialler calls for his sun-lounger. Yes, we're outside in the cold, but does it really matter when were being selfless?

So, without any further hesitation, we begin to paint the house in the colour of 'Four Clovers Green.'


One week later.
Liam's P.O.V.


Today is Christmas Eve and I want everyone to be happy. Knowing that I have My Little Nialler back is the best gift anyone could receive, but I know that's not what everyone wants.

"What's Christmas?" My Little Nialler asks.

"Christmas is when you're supposed to think of Jesus. Everyone really thinks about the family and friends and presents and money, though," I explain.

"Oh, will I get these presents?" He requests an answer to his question.

"Yes, lots of presents from me and Haz and Lou, but you can only open one tonight," I inform him of how presents work.

"What about the rest?"

"You open them tomorrow morning!" I say with a smile on my face as I briefly kiss him.

"Get a room!" Louis speaks out as he carries Harry into the room.

"Get a life!" I retaliate.

After a while of bickering, we each take out a present for one another.

We open our presents and I get a jumper which has a turtle wearing a Christmas hat on it; Niall gets a shirt with a penguin fallen on the ice which reads 'Bah Humbug!'; Harry got a pair of Black jeans with skeleton hands on his bottom and snowflakes falling down them; and Louis got a shirt with a snowman with a giant carrot sticking out as a nose.

We end the jolly, festive night with,

"Merry Christmas, everyone!"



On a completely unrelated vote, I recently opened a new account. Please could everyone go check out @JustLifeShannon? I only have a book of my biggest Tales of Idiocy, but it will get better.

Now I feel bad for advertising my own account and story..:(

Don't forget to vote, comment, share our story and fan us if you think we're worthy!:3

~Shan :)

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