Chapter Twenty-Three: Part One - New Years's Day

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I'm not sure if anyone can see this chapter, but here goes.

Liam's P.O.V

Today, I want to be fun. Today, I've decided to take Niall, Harry and Louis to Winter Wonderland; a winter themed fair. It isn't very big, but we could spend time ice skating and going on rides while we're there.

Before waking up Ni, I decide to make breakfast for everyone. I'm not really sure is we have something everyone likes, so I make toast and lay out some sauces, syrup, butter etc.

I decide the best way to wake someone up is to be noisy. Taking out some pots and spoons, I begin to run through the house making as much noise as I can.

"Niall! Louis! Harry! Everyone wake up! We're going out in one hour! Everyone get up! I made breakfast! Nialler! Lou! Haz! Get your butts down here, boys!" I shout on the very top of my voice.

"Coming!" I hear Niall shout. It's a while before he appears and I worry that something may have happened until I hear a lot of screaming.

"You okay?" My voice holds evidence of my worry as I question Niall.

"Yeah, I just attacked Louis and Harry with water bombs. I hope that's okay?" Niall checks, doubting his actions. Aw, he still needs reassurance about small things.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. Now, eat your toast." I smile before eating my own breakfast.


"Which one of you idiots just soaked me? Well? Who was it?" Louis walks in, his top half soaked.

"That wasn't me, but go and change! You're leaving a mess all over the house!" I retort, making Louis pull a disgusted face before stalking back to his bedroom.

"Two down, one to-" I begin to mutter to myself.

"Seriously? First you go and wake me up with saucepans, then you soak me! Beware, Liam!" Harry walks back to his room in a sulk, hopefully, to get showered and changed.

"Are they mad at you now?" Niall asks.

"Yeah, but don't worry; they'll love me again by the end of the day." I reply with a smile. I get up and go to my room, kissing Niall's cheek on the way past, making him giggle.

Once I've showered, brushed my teeth and changed into clothes, I make my way back downstairs.

"Hey, Haz!" I say, cheerfully.

"Hi." Harry says bluntly. Due to this, I decide to tell Harry first.

"We're going to Winter Wonderland in fifteen minutes." I reveal my secret.

"What, seriously?" Harry says and I barely have time to reply before he's hugging me. Hugging him back, I laugh at his childishness.

"Louis!" I shout, trying to locate his whereabouts. He likes to wander around a lot.

"What? Li, where are you?" I think he's in the living room.

"Good news! We're going to Winter Wonderland!" I exclaim, causing Louis to scream like a little girl. Once again, I'm in hysterics and end up in a bone-crushing hug.

"Okay, be ready in fifteen minutes. Oh, and do you know where Niall is?" I question.

"Yeah, kitchen."

I mutter a thank you before running to where I should find Ni.

"Hello Niall!" I greet him, pulling Nialler in for a hug.

"We're gonna go to Winter Wonderland!" I say with a big smile on my face.

"Yay!" I Cheer with Niall until he says,

"Wait, why are we cheering? I don't know what that is!"

I have to laugh at his naïve self.

"Trust me, Nialler, you will love it!" I reply.

We walk to the car and shout for Harry and Louis.

Fifteen Union J songs later, we arrive at the fair.

"Where do we go first, Li?" Niall asks me.

"Ice skating?" I ask and he nods his head, eager to skate for the first time.

"Right, Harry and Louis, where are you guys going first?" I ask.

"We'll go to the ferris wheel first." Harry answers for both of them.

"Here's some money for tickets." I say, giving Louis a ten pound note.

"Thanks, have fun!" He says.

"Yeah, you too!" I say. They love me again.

"Right then little Nialler, let's go!" I say, taking his hand and running through the fair with him running as fast as he can beside me.

"Two size eights, please." I ask the man behind the counter.

"Okay, coming up!" The man tells me.

"Here you go, sir. Enjoy your skate!" The counter boy says.

"Thank you." I say with a smile. I lead Niall to a few seats and help him put his skates on properly.

"Thank you, Li." Niall says to me.

"No problem, Nialler." I say as I start putting my own skates on.

"Whoa!" I look up upon hearing this to find Niall sitting on his bum in front of me, looking up at me. Oh gosh, he's managed to fall over before I've even put my skates on! The funniest thing is we're not even on the ice yet! This will be an adventure to remember!

Hey! I'm sorry it's short, shit and unedited, but I'll upload part two tomorrow. Or later because it's 1:47AM here in Britain. I promise you all part two will be a lot longer and way more entertaining than part one.

Meg or Amaze_Me I hope you like this because you said you really wanted to read this chapter. Sorry it's only half of it.

Night night Wattpad,


Deeply in love -Niam Horayne-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora