Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Rescuing Of Niall And Harry

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Niall's Point Of View!

I look at Harry scared, I don't want to be shot, I'm too young - we both are. We haven't finished living our lives yet! We still need to visit penguins, go to New York, get lost in Paris- there are so many things for me and my Liam to do!

I throw Harry a terrified look, which he returns. It seems neither of us are willing to do this, but we run back to our cages. With Jeff and his gang of mad scientists on our tails, there is no chance of us escaping.

You'd think we were comfortable with this, our cages being where we spent most of our lives. However, once you've had a taste of something better, something bigger, you can't get enough of it.

A while later, we're being thrown into a pretty small cell. It isn't comfy; I don't like it one bit. This cell is almost as horrible as Harry and I's cages!

Though I know it's best if we both just agree to everything and keep quiet, I try to communicate with Harry.

"Harry! Harry, I want to go home!" I whisper-shout. Luckily for me, Harry hears my anxious whisper and nods in reply.

Taking my hand, Haz runs out of our little corner and performs a brave act which could easily be confused with stupidity. He kicks a scientist as hard as he can. The scientist doubles over in pain, wailing in self-pity. If I'm honest, I don't really blame him. I would have moaned in pain if I were kicked there, too!

"Come on, Ni! Remember to be quiet! We don't want to be caught again!" Haz tells me, holding my hand and ushering me towards the way out of the building. Although he's in the exact same situation as me, and is also a main target, Harry is still protecting me.

As we run through the first set of doors, I hear alarms being set off. They sound like fire alarms, but they must be signalling our departure. That isn't good. That definitely isn't good at all.

"So much for being quiet! Run, Nialler, run!" Im told, so I obediently start running. With Harry as my guide, I reach the final exit in no time.



I hear Liam and Louis running towards us, shouting our names in pleasure. I run towards Li, jumping into his arms as he spins me around.

"Nialler, I was so worried! Did they hurt you? Are you okay? Do you need anything? Nialler I swear to God, if they touched you, I will-" Li gets cut off by an official-sounding voice.

"Alright, I'm going to need you four to come with me to the station." A policeman informs us. He wears your average British police officer uniform; a white shirt with blue shoulder pads; a blue tie; a black and yellow body protector filled with equipment; a black jacket; jet black trousers; and shiny black shoes.

"What exactly have we done?" I stand back, next to Harry, leaving Liam and Louis to deal with the police. The British weather is playing up again! Do you know, I don't think there's been one time where it hasn't rained? Although, we're all used to it now; since we've lived here for all of our lives.

"I'm arresting a Mr. Harry Styles; a Mr. Liam Payne; a Mr. Louis Tomlinson; and a Mr. Niall Horan on suspicion of breaking and entering."


Hi! I haven't seen you all in so long! I literally haven't seen you since last year! HAPPY 2015 YOU GUYS!

Anyway, back to the story. This chapter is a lot shorter than I hoped it would be. I'm not sure how long this will seem to you, but I apologise if it's short. Also, we're very sorry for the long wait! We did have exceptional circumstances and we hope that you're all still with us!

Please vote, comment and fan us! Thank you so much for 45.4k reads! We have a goal of 50k reads, so to come this far means a lot to me. I'm sure it means so much to Meg as well!


Deeply in love -Niam Horayne-Where stories live. Discover now