Chapter Nine- theme Park

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Liam's P.O.V

Me and Niall was sitting in the house bored, we didn't know what to do, it was one of those days where you wanna do something but don't know what to do.

"Hey Niall want to go to the theme park?" I asked him, he looked up at me with big confused eyes.

"W-What's a theme Park?" he asked me, I forgot he had never been to one

"It has loads of rides there, you might enjoy them" I said, he nodded,

"Niall wants to go, is Louis and Harry going with Niall and Liam?" he asked,

"I don't know, we'll go round and ask is it?" I asked, he nodded. I know he likes Louis and Harry. We got dressed and tucked Niall's tail under his top and a beanie over his ears.

We walked over to Louis and Harry's house and walked in. I normally walk in.

"Liam, Niall why are you here?" Louis asked

"Liam and Niall wanted to see if Harry and Louis wanted to come to the T-theme park with Niall and Liam?" Niall said

"sure we'll come, let us get dressed" Louis said grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him up the stairs. Harry's tail was wagging happily.

When they come down Harry's tail was tucked in and his ears was under a beanie. We all got in Louis' car and drove to the theme park.

When we got there we payed and entered the park, I dragged Niall over to my favourite ride, Megaphobia. At first Niall was nervous to go on but I reassured him that its safe.

After our day at the theme park we went home and cuddled watching movies before going to sleep.

Authors Note:- hey I hope you like it. Sorry its short but I couldn't think of what to write so this is what I got. Well gotta go now byye.


Deeply in love -Niam Horayne-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz