Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Friends of The Hybrids

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Liam Payne

"I am Adelaide Kane. I will be your lawyer and Friend throughout this ordeal. You will abide by my rules, question nothing other than what is necessary, and speak to no one other than myself and yourselves."

I gulp as I take in her appearance. She's rather intimidating and stands slightly taller than me in her heels. I count myself lucky since, being a boy, I am able to get away with not wearing the dangerous, health-hazards they call heels. I mean come on, how can anyone be expected to walk in them?! Anyway, Adelaide has short, dark brown hair and wears perfect makeup. She wears rose gold sunglasses, so I can't really see her true eye colour. However, if I was to guess I'd say her eyes were green. They're currently staring at me with a steely gaze. She wears a crisp, white suit, symbolising that she means business.

"So, if we can't talk to anyone, how are we supposed to go outside? Surely we're able to talk to the postman when he comes to our house? Can we not talk to the cashier when she rings in our shopping?" I ask. When she says we can't speak to anyone, surely she doesn't mean it literally. If so, I think I'll find the task practically impossible.

"Yes. You will talk to myself and yourselves only. You won't talk to the little girl who asks for help finding her Mummy, you won't talk to the taxi driver unless it's through a phone and under my supervisIon. Do I make myself clear?" She asks, seeming to grow impatient.

"Crystal clear." I say.

"What about family?" Louis asks. That is a good question, and one which I hadn't thought of until Louis brought it up. I had assumed we'd be okay to talk to family, since we consider them as being trustworthy people who wouldn't betray us in any way.

"Not even family. When I say you will only be able to talk to myself and yourselves, I mean it. There will be no breaching of the rules set by myself. In fact, you will both be staying here. I cannot risk either of you talking to someone and giving the plan away." I raise my eyebrows at this. What on earth could she mean by that? We can't be expected to sleep in this very room!

Looking around, I see no windows and realise that the only source of light is artificial. The walls are a white colour and look like sheets of plastic, which I am assuming are covering bricks and insulation of some sort. The desk in the middle of the room and lights attached to the walls are a light grey in colour and made of a wooden material. Other than this, there is no furniture. The only things on the desk are a folder containing our case information and a pen to be used to record any changes to the case. There isn't any sign of a comfortable bed to sleep in, or even a pillow.

"You can't expect us to sleep here! I demand a bed for each of us! I will refuse to sleep on the floor and won't be allowing Louis to sleep on the floor either." I state. I'm pretty sure our basic human rights involve sleeping comfortably and having our wishes respected.

"What kind of establishment do you think I run? Here at The Friends of The Hybrids, we would expect nothing less than to have respect off our guests. For this reason, we respect their wishes and ensure that they are happy, comfortable and healthy at all times. I will personally escort you to our sleeping quarters. You will share a room with twin beds and an en suite bathroom. A was bag of bathroom essentials and a wardrobe of clothes will be provided for both of you." She says, before turning on her heels and marching to the door.

Looking at Louis, I nod as a signal of my approval. Silently, we walk side by side and follow Adelaide. Once we have caught up to her, she opens the door, exposing us to more yellow, artificial lighting and plain walls. Two similarities between this corridor and the room we were previously in include the plain white walls and marble flooring.

We take a left and come to a large, open area which houses two lifts. We're taken to the very top floor, the 19th floor. Along the way, Adelaide points out where the public bathrooms are, along with a canteen and also her office, should we need anything. Finally, we arrive at our new bedroom.

Handing us a keycard each, Adelaide spins on her heel again and says, "Liam and Louis, welcome to room 17. You will find that there are 10 rooms on this floor and 10 rooms on the floor below. Each of these rooms is occupied by someone in a similar situation to yourselves, but I expect you to speak to none of them. I hope you enjoy your stay here in the building of The Friends of The Hybrids, despite the worry you are bound to be experiencing. Oh, and I'll use the intercom in your room to call you for lunch. After we've all eaten, we can discuss the plan."

She said all of that without even looking at us and then marched off down the corridor, presumably to either meet with someone relevant to our case, or to someone else's.

Louis opens the door and turns to me, sarcastically saying "Welcome to Casa De La Payne-Tomlinson!"

Walking into the room, I take a look around. There are two beds on the wall to the right of the door. The room isn't very large, but it does have a small, round window on the wall opposite the door. I can't see any blinds or curtains over the window, so I walk over to it and find a switch. I flip the switch to the 'dark' setting and the whole window changes to a dark grey colour and my view outside is blocked. I flick the switch back to the 'light' setting and the window becomes clear once again, allowing me to look out over the buildings below. 

Turning around, I find Louis already laying in the bed nearest the door. He seems to be comfortable, so I'm hoping that the beds are going to be comfortable. On each bed is a marble patterned duvet, which matches the lamps on the small bedside tables. We have one each and a chest of drawers in the middle of the beds. Said chest of drawers and the beds are all white, along with the walls, while the floor is a light grey colour. On the wall opposite the beds, to the left of the door, is a white wardrobe. The wardrobe has a mirror in the middle along with one large drawer, while there is a wardrobe compartment on either side of the mirror.

Opening the drawer in the middle of the wardrobe, I find an empty fridge and start to look forward to filling it with our favourite snacks and cold drinks. Walking to the chest of drawers, I open the top drawer. In it, I find a number of board games, a pack of cards and a sketch pad next to a pencil. I smile, thanking the Lord that we will have some form of entertainment in this isolated place. Opening the middle drawer, I find a number of hats in various styles and nothing else. In the bottom drawer lays a number of watches and a few neck ties next to some dickie bows. I'm assuming that our underwear will be in our respectful wardrobes. 

Sighing, I notice a door next to the wardrobe, which must lead to the bathroom. I yawn and decide to lay down for half an hour before Adelaide calls us for dinner in the canteen. I can check out the bathroom after dinner. 



Hiiii, long time no see! I'll keep this short and sweet and just say that I have no idea how long this chapter is since I wrote it on my phone and this made it harder for me to judge the length of it. So, with that said, I apologise for any paragraphs that are too long and also for any mistakes as this chapter isn't very well edited.

What does everyone think the master plan will be? 

Thoughts on Adelaide's character?

Opinions on the very plain and minimalist building?



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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