Chapter Thirteen- Powercuts!

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Chapter Thirteen- Powercuts!

Liam's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of my little Nialler crying.

I roll over to comfort him.

"What's wrong, baby?" I ask and he rolls over to face me, leaving my arm around his shaking frame.

"L- Liam! We're all going to die!" He says quietly to me and I hug him tightly to me.

"Awh, how come, Nialler?" I ask and he can't help shaking. Awh no! My poor little Baby is scared! I have to protect him from the dark.

"Because I didn't want to wake you because all of the lights went black!" He explained his antics to me and I realised that hes scared of the powercut!

"Awh! You should have woken me! The storms wont hurt you if you're inside!" I say and he nods at me, smiling.

"Come here, Ni!" I say and he cuddles up to me. I spoon him when he turns around, whispering soothing ords to him until we fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

***************************************WHEN THEY WAKE UP!****************************************

"What about Harry and Louis?!" Niall asks, panicked when he woke back up. I just pulled him closer to my chest as he rambled on about how they could get hurt.

"Don't worry, Ni! They'll be safe at-" I got cut off there, by the sound of the downstairs door. Niall jumps a mile in my arms.

"It's okay, it's just Harry and Lou, they're the only ones we have ever given any of the spare house keys to!" I say and he seems to relax a little.

Before we can even begin to process what's happening, Haz and Lou run into the bedroom, telling us that we have to get out of the house.

"Who, whoa, whoa! Back up, say it again, this time slowly!" I command because they're scaring my boy even more than he already is.

"Well,  you guys have to get out of the house, because the tree in our back garden was struck by lightening and now its on fire and now its getting bigger and we gotta get everyone out and we thought of you first and.. and-" Harry started, but then seen Nialler, and tried to calm himself down a little.

When he had eventually calmed down, he went and comforted Nialler while I phoned the fire brigade.

"Would you like police, ambulance, or fire brigade?" The automated woman's voice asks me.

"Fire Brigade please!" I say and she mmhmm's. Then I get transferred to the local fire station.

"What seems to be the problem?" Asks this time, a real mans voice.

"Well, y back garden is on fire because lightening struck the tree. There's a load of gas bottles which could go up!" I said in a clear voice, making sure it  was easy for him to understand.

"Okay, What's your address?" He asks and I don't hesitate to tell him Lou and Haz's address.

"Okay, we'll be right there! Could you get everyone out of the houses if they live in any of the surrounding streets?" He asks. I tell him i will and then hang up the phone, running back to get everyone out.

"Boys! Get out, we all have to wake everyone up!" I say as I pull on tracksuit  bottoms, and a plaid shirt that i don't button up.

"Okay! Lets go!" I scream and we all run out of the house, taking our Rabbit, Riker, with us. I run right, Niall runs left, and Louis and Harry run to go and get all of their street awake and out of their houses.

"HII! GET OUT, THERE'S A FIRE AND YOU HAVE TO RUN TO THE END OF THE STREET FOR SAFETY!" I scream at everyone when they eventually wake up and answer the door.

Pretty soon, we're all at the end of the street. I'm at the front of everyone, with Harry, while Lou comforts Niall behind everyone else.

Me and Harry are a few steps forward from everyone else, making sure no one goes back into their houses, or even the street.

"Everyone stay well back!" Me and Harry shout at everyone when we see the flames rise higher than the roofs of our house.

They all run a few metres back, but me and Haz stay right where we are.

Before we can even begin to fathom what might happen, we hear and feel a massive BANG! I know for sure that it's the gas bottles.

Everyone screams, shouts, and cries for help, as other people come out of their houses to see what's  happened.

We hold our ground, me and Harry, as the ground shakes violently and the sky lights up.

This happens several times before the emergency services get here.

"Is everyone out and okay?!" They scream and get us all further back, taking control of the situation.

I take Niall in my arms and mutter soothing words, telling him that it'll all be okay.

"Don't worry, Nialler!" I say and he nods, but is still crying. Me, Lou, and Haz comfort him.

Hours later, the fire seems to be out and we get some information.

"Everyone is free to go back into their homes. Except the people who live in the houses that the fire was in!" He said and we gulp, but hold back as they all go back to bed.

"Could you please follow us, please?" We obediently follow behind to check out the damage.

Ash blankets everything outside, but the inside seems relatively untouched. Well, you can see the black on the windows, but that's about it really.

"Want us to go with you to check out you guys' place?" I ask and Harry and Louis nod, showing small but fake smiles as we are lead through the street until we reach our best friends' house.

"Well, you can't go inside, a lot of stuff has been damaged, so it's a safety precaution that you guys aren't allowed in!" Says the fireman who walks out of the front door. When he closes it, dust and ashes fly up in a cloud.

"Do you have anywhere to stay?" He asks Harry and Lou and they shake their head sadly.

"Well we could get you set up for the night at a lo-" Starts the fire fighter, who ii interrupt.

"WAIT! They can stay at ours!" I say and we share a group hug.

"Yay! It'll be like one big sleepover!" Exclaims Louis, who is jumping up and down.

"Yeah!" I say and we break the hug.

"Okay, we'll get back to you tomorrow!" Says the fire fighter who escorts us to my house.

"Thank you, good night!" I say and we lock the door behind us.

We all settle down for the night, and share snacks, like popcorn and crisps, as we watch Love Actually- Harry chose the film.


Hiii! I'm back again!

I don't really have anything to say this time, so I'll just go now, and update stuff on my single account!:)


Deeply in love -Niam Horayne-Where stories live. Discover now