Chapter Twenty-Six - The Kidnapping Of Niall And Harry

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Niall's Point Of View

"Well, well, look who we have here, our little experiments, Harry and Niall."

I look at them, recognising one of them as Jim and I look over at Harry, he was also an experiment? At the same place? I don't remember him. I hide behind My Liam and clutch his shirt, seeing Harry do the same to Louis.

"Oh, no, no, no! There's no need to be afraid now! We just need to take back what is rightfully ours." One of them says with a horrible, strict voice.

"No, they're ours now. You made a mistake and released them into the world. We were the ones who rescued them when they were found starving, cold and all alone." Louis says.

The men change their stances so they look as if they're ready to pounce. I know that they can be very dangerous. I tug on Li's shirt.

"Li, they're dangerous! They sometimes carry guns!" I warn him. I don't want Li to get hurt because of me.

"Aww are the little puppies scared? We don't care. Either you hand them over now, or we use force." Jim taunts us.

"How dare you throw out these amazing people if you're going to steal them back? How dare you give them a false hope of survival and happiness only to take them back into your disgusting labs? How dare you?!" Liam shouts, getting angrier and more worried by the second. I can feel his emotions rolling off him and I bet Haz can feel Lou's as well. It's a gift we were given.

"How dare you take them in and keep them alive?! They were raised as an experiment to see if they can survive alone. We see that they're incapable of that and we've realised they need more genetic engineering." Jim's friend states.

"You are not taking these wonderful people away from us! You don't even treat them like people when they both have amazing personalities!" Louis speaks up for us. Liam and Louis are protecting us both at the same time. They don't want to lose either of us.

"You don't need them in your lives, don't lower yourselves to genetically modified scum!"

"These boys are not genetically modified scum! They are beautiful peoe who deserve to live their lives fully!" Liam says, causing me to smile a little at him calling me beautiful.

Looking at Haz, I nod and we step forward slightly.

"We don't want to go back to your labs! We love these boys and we will never leave their sides unless they want us to!" I say. Harry joins in,

"They clearly don't want us to leave, so we're going to stay by their side until we physically can't. You don't understand what love is, do you? You don't understand that feeling that you can only live if a certain person is in your life. You don't understand how devastated we would be if you took us away from these men now." He says, and we hold hands as a symbol of us uniting against these cruel scientists.

They don't like me and Haz standing forward, so they take their opportunity and snatch us. I'm hit over the head and I instantly feel my head getting heavier. I begin seeing black spots and before I know it, I've passed out.


Upon waking up, I hear footsteps of an angry man. I know exactly what happened, so I start looking frantically for Haz. I need someone or something familiar in this terrible crisis.

"Harry? Harry? Haz?" I begin to panic, worrying that I've lost Harry, as well as Liam and Louis.

"I'm tied to your back, Ni. How could you lose me?" Harry says from right behind me, making me jump.

"Undo my ropes and I'll undo yours." He tells me. One he's said this, we start trying to wriggle and undo the knots around our wrists.

Five minutes later, we're out of the bounds and untying our ankles.

Deeply in love -Niam Horayne-Where stories live. Discover now