Chapter nineteen- So eloquently trying to explain

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Liam's POV;

"Why can't Harry walk, Liam?" Nialler asks. Oh jesus, I never thought I'd have to give this talk yet! I'm too young to give the talk!

"Nialler, do you really, really, really want to know?" I mean, I shouldn't have to give the talk if I don't need to. I haven't even had the talk yet!

"Why won't anyone tell me?!" Oh, wow! This is it!

"Demanding are we? I approve!" I leave a cheeky comment hanging in the air as Nialler blushes.

"Yes, if you must know," Nialler starts, "NOW, WILL SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON?"

Oh boy, this is it...

"Well, umm.. You see.." My voice trails off, having no idea what to say.

"You see, Nialler, when, uhh, when you really love someone... They uh.. Make love?" Expanations, explanations, explanations.. All of which come out as more of a question, really.

"So, Harry made love to Louis?" My god!

"Yes.. You see, when you really love someone, you show them by making love. Louis loves Harry and Harry loves Louis.." Once again, my Nialler is confused.

"But, how can't Harry walk?"

"Sometimes, making love hurts. Good lord! Nialler, please, stop with these questions?!" I request and he nods, happily skipping away.

Thank god! I didn't want him to run away, but I was a little too uncomfortable with our conversation there!

"So, I heard you explaining to Nialler why I can't walk," Haz starts as he hobbles into the room, "quite the eloquent person, Li!"

"Yes, I know, don't be mean Haz!" I retort.

"Where's Ni? Where'd he run off to?" Harry queries. Good question! Where is my little charm gone?

"Ahh, I thought he wwas with you, but curiositt killed the cat!" I exclaim. Right on cue, we both hear a scream and a cry for help.

"LIAM! LIAM HELP ME!" Oh my god, what has Louis done this time?

"NIALLER?"Hollers my voice in a desperate tone. At thr same time; Haz shouts,


"BY THE DOOR!" Comes our reply. Without a second thought, we both make a mad dash for the door.

"Don't do a god damn thing!" I hear the voice of a burly man, who's currently holding my Nialler hostage.

"No way, give him back! I- I love him!" I shout, and Nialler's face elates at the fact that I professed my love for him to the world.

"No, you don't; no one could, or should, ever love nobody's child." The kidnapper's reply.

With a gasp, Nialler suddenly cries out,

"QUICK, LI! SHOW HIM YOU LOVE ME AND MAKE LOVE TO ME!" Although Nialler is my babycakes, I can't help the bright Red blush that springs to my cheeks.

The kidnapper laughs and turns around. With a gasp, I realise that the kidnapper is Frey; my ex.

"Godfrey?!" I exclaim.

"Yes, Liam, it is I; God!"

"There will never be anything 'godly' about you. Never has been, isn't now and certainly never will be." I seeth, loathing him more as each second passes.

"My god, Liam! What have you done to our Nialler?! To make him shout things like that in the street?!" Louis demands from the window above my head.

"Nothing, Lou! I swear!" My cheeks re-heat.

"Hah! Yeah, right!" Lou scoffs.

"Get help, Lou!" I scream at him. With a terrified look in his eyes, Louis turns to face Godfrey.

Oh my, here we go!

"Oi! You have a lot of nerve showing up here! Give us the boy back, now!" Lou springs into his over-protective, sassy, over-ruling mode.

"I have some balls, which is more than I can say for you!" Godfrey shouts.

"Oh really? I don't think so! Now, as you all know; I'm all for helping someone in need!" I look up in time to see at least a dozen golf balls being pelted as Godfrey, and not once does a ball fail to hit it's target.

"For fuck's sake! STOP!" Godfrey's voice is suddenly high pitched at the end of his sentence, as a golf ball hits him in his non-existent lower regions.

I just can't help myself; I burst into peels of laughter, as does Harry who's still behind me.

"Cut it out!" Screams Godfrey. I burst into a fresh round of crippling laughter, clutching onto my sides.
"I'll cut it out when you cut the crap!" Lou says in a matter-of-fact voice, which only makes me laugh my bottom into next week.

"No! Never!" Shouts Godfrey, who throws Nialler into the boot of a car.

Before anyone can even process what's goinf on, Godfrey's at the driver's side door.

"GIVE MY NIALLER BACK YOU ARSEHOLE!" I swear for the first ever time in my life. I take off running, but before I reach the street, the plain, Black car is out of sight.

"NO! I LOST MY NIALLER!" I scream, collapsing into a crying heap.


So, I apologise for the shortness and rubbishness of the chapter! I also apologise for any language/blasphemy I used.

So, Nialler has been kidnapped!:o By Li's jealous ex! Taken to god knows where!o.o

It's quater past twelve am here in Wales, so I'm off to get forty winks!;););););););););););););););););););););););););););););););););););););););););)

That was un-necessary!



Deeply in love -Niam Horayne-Where stories live. Discover now