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That same day, Daisy and her friends. headed to the library to look for anything information on the mysterious gem. After continuously seaching for hours (with breaks in between), they had come up with nothing. Rouge's face twisted in anger as she slammed her fifth book closed and tossed it onto her book pile. "This is proving to be useless! We've been here since the break of dawn and we still haven't found any information about these Cyrstal Hearts! It's like they don't even exist in this world!" Tails walked by with a book in his hands, eyes glued to the pages. "Don't worry Rouge, I'm sure we'll find something soon". The bat huffed in annoyance as she sat down to take a break. Meanwhile Daisy stood at the end of the aisle with Silver, Sir Lancelot and Sir Galahad looking for more books to search. Silver ran is his finger along the books on the shelf as randomly picked a blue covered one with gold writing etched onto the cover.  "The Crystals of an Ancient Past?" He looked through the book for a while before tossing it on his own book pile. "That doesn't even mention anything about a Crystal Heart. Find anything on your end Daisy?" He looked over at the princess who looked spaced out in her thoughts

Daisy's POV

I  leaned against the wall to take a break from searching for information about the Cyrstal Heart. For some reason my mind kept wandering to what  Sir Gawain told me before leaving that void  :The crystal heart has chosen you as it's owner. This means you have to protect it. Protect it?  I've never protected anything in my life, but more importantly why did the Cyrstal Heart chose me? This question swirled in my mind all day and there was nothing that could take my mind off it. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't even hear Silver calling my name. " Hey Daisy!" I blinked a few times before finally acknowledging him. " I'm sorry Silver." He shot me a worried look. "Are you okay? Do you need to sit down?" I shook my head.  " I'm fine... maybe I just need some fresh air..." He was about to say something else before I turned around to leave, clutching the Crystal Heart to my chest.

Silver, Sir Lancelot and Sir Galahad looked at the princess as she walked out of the library. "I know your worried Silver and we are too." Sir Galahad spoke up . "Daisy's a strong girl, she'll get through this" Sir Lancelot nodded and patted the hegdehog on the shoulder. "Yeah you don't have to worry so much" Silver slightly frowned as he stared out the door.

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