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Koren lead the group as they trudged through the snow towards the castle; taking out snow monsters along the way. When they got there they were met with ice chains in the shape of a 'X' secured by a lock. Venice stepped up to the door.  "I got this" He used his powers to make a small flame to melt the ice and kicked the door open.  They dashed down the hallway until they got to the treasury room, taken aback by what they saw. The  entire room was frozen over. Thin ice covered the Master and the Crystal Hearts exterior as Snowtaur was now it's physical form. A gaint snow monster which looked like a dragon and standing it front of it was a lady. She wore a long white sleeve shirt and a hi-lo knee length royal purple skirt, paired with  gray boots that stopped above the knee ; Her hair was braided back elegantly in a fishtail braid which framed her face. She held her bow and arrow in hand as she confronted  Mordred, who is now covered in a blue glow. "Daisy!"Venice yelled as he ran towards her with his arms wide open. She looked back at him and grabbing his arm he flipped him over her shoulder; he groaned in pain. " Oops sorry Venice!" He smiled at her. "Wasn't the reation I was expecting to get, but it's good to see you again." Snowtaur roar interrupted their conversation and Daisy and the others stood by her side. "Daisy you're going against me?" He placed a hand over his heart. Oh my dear... you hurt me." The princess just silently glared at him. Daisy grabbed an arrow to put back in her bow and pointed it at Mordred. "Now, I will give you two choices either you step away from the Master Heart and we could just talk it out or we will have to force you to give it up". Mordred chuckled "Or I could leash Snowtaur on you ,take the Crystal hearts for myself make, Daisy my queen, destroy all of you, then marry her and  become a diarchy  so that we can be together forever." The Flower Princess shuddered that the thought of her and Mordred being together. "Yeah my plan sounds better" The Master Heart was surrounded by a light blue aura as  He floated in the air and pointed her sword at Daisy. " You know what happens to queens that don't listen to there husbands " She stood there glaring at him. "They get punished!". He used the Master Hearts power to trap Koren, Venice and the others in ice domes only leaving Daisy to fend for herself. He then a created a snow monster and sent it towards her. As the giant came near she slowly felt her courage slipping away. She waited for an attack but felt nothing as she saw the snow monster turn into a puddle. Mordred had an enraged look on his face as he saw Venice with his fire powers activated. "You! How did you get out?!" Venice smirked. "That's a secret I'm not willing to share" Venice said as Koren chuckled silently holding the Master Heart fragment as a small portal closed next to him. "You betrayed me! After you was finished with your little adventure I was going to keep Daisy here so that we could get married; but she's here fighting alongside you! You took her away from me..." He then took off his  sword and began to channel the Master Heart's power. " Now you must face the consequences!"

Venice's POV

He charged at me trying to swing at me, I began to dodge every attack he threw at me. He attacked with so much precision that I wasn't able to get an attack in. I had to get his level; it was probably the only way I could've beat him right now. So I made my own sword from ice and used that. He caught on about what I was trying to do so he used the Master Heart to make an illusion and duplicated him 3 times. I had to find the one thst didn't glitch. Second one, glitched, First one glitch, Third one, Bingo!  I attacked that one and our swords clashed, causing sparks.  How is he making these illusions so quickly? He smirked "You're pretty smart and learn quickly for someone who doesn't know how to use a sword I'll give you that." He channeled then energy from the Master Heart. I had to think fast! I looked at his sword and noticed a piece of the fake Crystal Heart on the inside. I noticed that they don't work as well as the real one, because when he first showed me an illusion of the 'Ice Queen' it was really glitchy. I now know what I needed to do. I attacked him again but this time I aimed at the gem. He growled as I tackled him to the ground. The Master Heart had a dim glow, which means he was weak. I landed in the front of him. He began the glitch and slowly lose energy; disappearing a short time later.

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