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Finally after a long time in the present, Venice finally returned home to his ruined future. As he stood in front of the castle's door, He looked around and he saw that the snow had gotten deeper. "It's getting worse... I need to hurry." He went inside and brought Daisy to the mysterious man. The cloaked figure smiled at the sight of the princess. "Excellent work, now off to do your task. Venice tilted his head. "So how do we fix the future?". "Since you have her with you now... she should know how to get it done." Venice's jaw dropped open. What!? You didn't tell me that we have to figure out on our own?!" He sighed. " Don't worry she's the guardian of the Crystal Heart... she'll know what to do; now away with you!" He used the fake crystal heart to send them away. " Hey, wait!-" Was all he was able to say before they disappeared. "Now all I need to do is sit back and wait until they collect the rest of the Crystal Hearts."

Venice and Daisy appeared in the harsh winter, standing in the cold snow. An angry Venice growled as he clenched his fist. "That little sneak, he tricked me! Now what are we supposed to do where are we supposed to start searching!" He looked at Daisy, who tapped her foot trying to think. "Hello... Ice Queen!" She looked at him apologetically. "I'm sorry was thinking about something my friend said. We were looking for information about the Hearts and she made an interesting statement. He motioned for her to continue. " She said "it's like they don't exist in this world" The hedgehog raised an eyebrow. " Meaning your world?" She nodded and he scoffed .
" Okay? And your point?" He said while placing a hand on his hip. "Well if they don't exist there then the only place they could be is around here somewhere." He folded his arms . " You know, your know you're pretty smart for an Ice Queen" He said sarcastically as Daisy pouted "I have a name you know, and speaking of names I don't even know yours! The hedgehog snickered. "Ladies first". "My name's Daisy. Princess Daisy" Once the name left her mouth his eyes widened. Daisy?! They look so similar ... He placed a hand on his chin as he looked her up and down. The hedgehog stared at her briefly before Daisy snapped him out of his thoughts. "Hello, Excuse me!" She said while snapping her fingers and she regained his attention. " I told you my name now it's only fair that you tell me yours". He have a small smile and looked into her eyes which the 'ice' partially melted from. "My name is Venice... Venice the Hedgehog."

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