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The white light faded as Venice arrived in the present and observed his surroundings. The sun felt warm on his skin, the trees were a lush green with tints of yellow and brown with many little flowers poking out of the soil. There was not a cloud in the sky and everything looked peaceful, it reminded him of when his world was like this. He pushed the thought out of his mind and focused on the task at hand. " Now to search for this Ice Queen and make her fix my world" He spotted a city nearby and ran towards it

Daisy walked with a slow pace in the forest, mind weighed down with the fear of something bad happening to this precious gem or even worse what if something happens to her, what if someone is after this Crystal Heart right now? Would they threaten to kill her if she doesn't give it up? The Flower princess shook her head vigorously. " No no... now is not the time to be thinking such a negative things I can do this!" She looked at her reflection in the rough amethyst colored stone as her as that small boost of courage began to slowly fade away" But can I really?" She sighed. "Why did it chose me?" Her legs began to get tired so she sat on a nearby log to take a break. Then suddenly the gem began to emit this unusual white colored glow, which caught her attention. Why is it glowing? What does this mean? She shrugged it off. "It's probably just some effects or something".

Meanwhile Venice flew around the city in search of the Ice Queen. He decided to take to the sky to get a better view and to see if he could spot her faster. "Where are you hiding Ice Queen? Come out come out, wherever you are~." There were so many people below that it was hard to spot her, so he tapped his ditgal watch, which provided him was a map of the city and noticed a red light blinking in the forest; he flashed a sly smile. "Guess she thought she could hide in the forest." He quickly flew in that direction.

The Search for the Crystal Hearts Where stories live. Discover now