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Venice sat on the edge of a cliff, twirling a flower between his fingers. Guilt gnawed at his chest, knowing that he hurt his friend. "I wish she could enjoy this with me..." He mumbled looking at the once frozen ocean that the distant sunset was now shining over. He growled as he punched to the ground. " I'm so stupid! I should've used my brain before I agreed to go on this mission, now some innocent girl is hurt because of me!" He sighed as he flattened his ears. He was so busy sulking that he didn't hear Daisy approach from behind him. " Venice" she called but he kept his back turned. " Daisy will be okay, she's a strong girl and-" He sighed" I know" He flattened his ears . " Then what's the problem?" He hesitated to speak but he got the words out. "I feel guilty. I'm so stupid for believing Mordred..." Daisy had a pained look on her face; she hated seeing her friends upset. " There's no need to feel guilty ,she's already forgiven you" The warrior princess said walking up to him. He looked at her, his eyes slightly red from crying. How do you know that?" She raised her eyebrows. "Really? She's literally the sweetest person in the world; trust me, she'll forgive you" She said patting his back." You're only saying that because she's you" He chuckled at the statement . This was the first time he laughed in a long time, he looked back up at the sun which was shining in the orange sky as his hope slowly returned to him

Meanwhile Koren was in the Flower Kingdom inside Tails' lab trying to make an antidote for Daisy. Koren had explained the situation and the two tailed fox was more than happy to help, she is his friend after all. Tails looked at the beaker containing the antidote and scratched his chin. "Do you think it's missing anything?" The hedgebat furrowed his brow and got an idea. He took the Master Heart's shard and broke a piece off with a hammer, crushing it into a fine powder. "Uhh, won't that effect the way it functions or anything?" Koren chuckled as he dropped it into the clear liquid; turning it green. "Nah, it'll be fine". He swirled it around and it was finally complete. "Now let's get this to Daisy!"

Koren went back to Foire and quickly went to the room she was staying in with a glass jar in his hands. He saw Daisy and Sir Lancelot sitting on both sides of The Flower Princesses' bed. He saw her covered in many blankets with a mini heater on a table near the bed. He knocked as he entered. " Hey I'm back. How's Daisy doing?". The Knight of the Lake stood up and stretched. "She's doing way better than before." He looked down at his hand and saw the syringe. "I see that you have the antidote so I will be taking my leave" The red eyed hedgehog said as he exited the room. " Sir Lancelot and I were able to keep her body temperature up so she wouldn't be so cold" Daisy explained as Koren walked up on the side of the bed the knight was on and gave her the syringe. " Do you have something to catch the whirlwind." He held up the jar he was holding. " Okay, we have to be quick." Koren and Daisy prepared themselves. "Ready... 1...2...3!" She stuck the syringe in her arm. As the antidote begin to work, the brunette princess winced and whimpered as the whirlwind slowly began to escape it's 'seal'. Koren quickly flew up to catch it and trapped it in a jar, making sure it was sealed tightly. "Nice job Koren! Now make sure to put it somewhere no one can find it" He nodded and ran off to complete his task. A groan caught Daisy's attention as her mini me slowly rose up to a seated position. " Good morning" She joked, flashing a smile. Daisy held her dull aching head. "Ugh, where am I?" "You're in the castle's guest room. You fainted after sealing that Monster inside of you. That's when she realized that she didn't feel cold anymore. She looked around as she began to panic. "What happened?! Where's Snowtaur?!" Daisy quickly rubbed her back trying to soothe her nerves. "It's okay. Koren and Tails were able to make an antidote to get it out of you; It's currently trapped in a jar and won't be able to harm anyone ever again." The Flower Princess sighed in relief. "That's good to hear that anyone wasn't hurt by it". "Hey can I ask you a question" Daisy nodded, motioning for her to continue. "Is there a reason why the Crystal Heart chose me as it's owner?" The warrior princess placed a hand on her hips before answering. "I had to give it to someone who could really keep it safe, someone who I could've trusted" This confused Daisy even more.  "Well why didn't you choose Venice or Koren?" " Koren was busy with so many duties at the time so I wouldn't have asked him to watch it and as for Venice... you can see how impulsive he gets when he makes decisions so you were the only one I could've sent it too"
She thought about Venice she remembered how he reacted when she said that she was going to be the seal for the snow storm and wondered if he was okay now. " Is- Is Venice still here? I need to speak with him." Daisy nodded. "Yes,he should be in his room." She thanked her and climbed out of the bed to look for him.

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