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Modred cackled as he rubbed his hands together maliciously as he watched the adventurers go about there mission. "Yes, Yes, Yes! They are have 3 Crystal Hearts. There's only 1 more left to find then I can release Snowtaur and rule over Fiore! Better go tell the Daisy the good news. " Oh Princess!" He said in a sing song voice.  Mordred why are you calling me like that? If you did something to Daisy and Venice I- " He cut her of with his laughter. "Oh don't worry I haven't done anything yet and  by the way, Venice, your mini me and her friends are almost here. So I hope your ready cause the show is about to begin!

Meanwhile Venice and Daisy decided to look for shelter and food as it was getting late. They found a small cave to spend the night. The hedgehog had started a small fire and had gone out to look for food and water. Daisy thought back to the time when she almost lost the Cyrstal Heart. She was slowly losing consciousness under the water;  her grip slowly releasing from the gem as she began to lose consciousness because of the freezing temperature of the water. Tears began to prick her eyes as she tightened her grip around the gem. Did I- Did I almost fail as a gaurdian? She was so caught up in the thoughts that she didn't hear when the hedgehog returned. Venice looked at the princess who looked like she was about to break down at any minute down. He slowly approached and placed his cold hand on her shoulder, which caught her attention. When she turned to him; he saw that the sadness in her eyes deepened. "I just want to let you know that I'm here for you"

Daisy POV

"I just want to let you know that I'm here for you"  After I heard those words, My body began to tremble and it wasn't from the cold because my heart rate began to increase;I hid my face with my hands as I didn't want him to see me at my point of weakness. Then I felt my body begin to warm up, I thought he just added the sticks he found to the flames ,but as I took  my hands away from my face;  I saw that he was hugging me, his body giving off a natural warmth.I buried my head into his shoulder as the tears came uncontrollably like a storm. All the pain that was pented up in my heart, all the pressure that I was going to be a faliure.. released from my body. He rubbed my back; trying to calm me down. After a few moments I finally was able to control myself. He pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"And I'll support you every step of the way"

Silver sat down on the ground of a cave . Amy stated that they rest since they've been adventuring for a while now. He looked up at the moon as his mind ran wild with thoughts; thinking about everything bad that his 'alter ego' could have done with Daisy. Was she Safe? Hurt? Cold? Starving? Was she even alive at all? He shook those bad thoughts away from his head because he's was always optimistic about the future, although he's didn't show it was driving him crazy. Koren walked up to him and stopped a few feet from where he sat. "Hey, Sonic and Sir Lancelot found some berries and edible plants. Do you want some?" Silver responded with silence and the warrior prince sighed. "I know you're worried about Daisy... and I can assure you that she's okay." His ears perked up but he still looked at the moon. "How do you  know that? He held up his Master Heart fragment. " Daisy  has been keeping me updated on her whereabouts."  He raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked at him. "Is she okay?! Has that hedgehog hurt her?!" Koren chuckled. "Rest assured that she's fine, she's keeping warm and safe" Silver sighed with relief, as that weight lifted off  his chest. "Now go eat something, you'll need energy to continue the adventure." The futuristic hedgehog saluted. "Yes sir!" He then marched off as Koren silently chuckled at his actions; he looked at a cave in the distance and saw a dimly lit yellow orange light. "Because she's not as far as you think".

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