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The crystal continued to glow in Daisy's hand as her sadness slowly turned into fear as it continued to glow."Okay maybe something is wrong. The smell of smoke and burnt wood infiltrated her nostrils as she saw flames growing rapidly on nearby tree and bushes . A fire!! What's causing it? .Maybe her gut was trying to tell her something after all. "Where are you?!" A voice bellowed through the forest, it belonged to a male. Her intuition told her to run but she was to afraid to move. Suddenly a glowing light burst from the trees. Her eyes widened in astonishment. What is that!? She squinted her eyes and a hedgehog came into focus. She quickly hid behind some trees. " He's looking for someone and he looks really angry at them... but who?" The Crystal Heart's white glow grew brighter which lead her to panic. "No, no, no stop glowing please!" She whisper yelled. Unfortunately the hegdehog saw the light and began to fly over to it. When he arrived to the area, she saw him out of the corner of her eye and her breathing hitched; she gathered up the courage to peek at the hedgehog and she gasped when she saw that he looked like Silver, but his eyes were red , the tuft of fur on his chest was a dull orange; the circular symbols on the back of his gloved hands glowed red and fire emitted from his hands. What do I do? I can't just run, he'll see me...

Venice hummed with disappointment as he looked at his watch " That's weird, the map says that she should be right here?" Daisy froze. Wait! Is he looking for me?! He saw the gem's bright light began to glow from behind the tree. He flicked a patch of fire at it and it began to burn and fall to the forest floor, instantly revealing the Ice Queen he was searching for.

Daisy felt her entire body go numb but she still clutched the gem in the hands. They stared at each other for a while before he opened his mouth to speak "So it was you... you put my city in danger!" Daisy found a lump in her throat and couldn't speak as she was still in shock by the situation. City in danger? What does he mean? I didn't do anything! The stranger chuckled. "Cat got your tounge? I know what will get you to talk!" He rose into the air and activated his pyrokinesis. She screamed and finally felt her legs again to start running. "Get back here!" He shouted while flying after her.

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