🔸️01.09.1994 - First Encounter

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Word count of chapter one: 7.2K

Warnings: arrogance, invading into memories and using Legilimency without permission, (wet dream)

Mentions: love at first sight, memories


[ me ]

This letter from Hogwarts couldn't have come at a better time. After what at the ministry during the last year, this change was exactly what I needed in my life. Even if it still took a few days of consideration and quite a lot of discussing with the ministry, I sat on my plushy seat in the Hogwarts Express, being on my way to start my new life. Yes, I quit my job at the ministry and took the job as a professor for ancient runes at Hogwarts. People assumed I might have lost my mind, but I just couldn't stand those constant humiliations from my boss any longer. When we had started this relationship as a little affair a few years ago, no one would have thought it would once end like this, but well.. Theodore was an idiot, and it took me way too long to realize it.

But now I was here, back in good old Scotland, full of positive excitement as the train slowly approached its destination. The first lights of the little village had already come into sight and that smile on my face grew wider with every second. The only thing that left me a little worried was the fact that I had no idea how teaching worked. I knew a good deal about runes, but teaching children about it?! Minerva tried to calm me about it, but I was quite sure it would still take me a while to get used to this. I was still not sure if I should be glad that my first year at Hogwarts would be special through and through. The Triwizard Tournament would be hosted here, and therefore there would be a lot of things to do apart from teaching. This would give me a bit of time to get used to the new job.

The brakes let out a high-pitched squeal as the train rolled into the station, and the loud hustle and bustle coming from all the students who wanted to leave the train as fast as possible forced me out of my thoughts. I was nervous..

My heart beat wildly as I made my way to the great hall to attend the sorting ceremony. My luggage had already been brought up to my chamber on the second floor. It seemed like I would have a nice view over the forbidden forest from now on. Since I arrived, there was not a second of doubt that this definitely had been the right decision. It didn't feel like starting a new job, it felt like coming home, and only now I had realized how much I had missed the tranquility and remoteness of this place. Such a difference from my little apartment in the center of London. The great oak doors were open, and students from all houses rushed into the great hall when I arrived in the entrance hall.

My hands were slightly trembling, and my legs felt a bit wobbly. Thoughts rushed through my mind, and I really hoped to make a good first impression on the students, but even more on the rest of the staff.. I didn't want my new life to start with any troubles. Some of the students whispered as I made my way to the teachers' table. It felt weird not to take a seat at the Gryffindor table but instead to walk straight to the end of the hall. There were only a few free seats, and only now I started wondering if there was a sitting order?! Well, the golden chair was obvious.. the one next to it probably was Minerva's.. so.. yes.. maybe that one at the side next to Hagrid?! I approached the free seat, curiously eyeing the man, completely dressed in black and with a stern face, that framed the seat to the other side. Hagrid was deeply engaged in a conversation with his neighbor, so he didn't even notice me. I cleared my throat nervously before I finally reached the free chair.

- Good evening, Sir. Do you mind me taking this seat? I mean.. may I sit here or is there.. a sitting order?

God, Lysanna. What a wonderful first encounter. Not. Stuttering nervously surely made a great impression on my new colleagues. Only now did I realise that I have also forgotten to introduce myself.

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