Changes - Pt. 5 On Parting

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About part five:

7.7K words

Warnings: wine influence and hypnosis, drunkenness, dizziness, a painful story, naivety, usage, nightmare, blank mind, mentions of sexual manipulation.

Mentions: forbidden thoughts, desires, love illusions, jealousy, hesitation, loyalty, memories, feeling naked and exposed, boldness, courage, a touch of need, warmth, hopes, attraction, forming love and bonds, lessons, conclusions, judgment, appreciation, mistakes, regrets, longing, connection, attention, understanding, comfort, a new keepsake, laughter, melting hearts, powers, a challenge, dreams, misunderstanding, false help, confusion.


[ me ]

My eyes slowly fell shut, after they had disappeared in the kitchen and a soft smile lay on my lips, while I could still feel his tender touch on my skin. It had been only a brief moment that his fingers had touched my hair, but yet it was enough to make those flimsy flames inside me flare up, reach for his fingers, even though they had no intentions to burn him.

With my eyes closed I could hear the rattling of the bowl, I could hear his movements and I could imagine how full of anticipation the cat must look up to him. It was the wine in my veins that also made me imagine other things, forbidden things, tempting things.
I recalled the image of him standing right infront of me, looking tall and strong, an impressive image of a man, how my eyes had traced all the way from the lilac fur of the cat, again up the neatly alligned buttons to his face. His strong hands, moving so gently to catch that strand of hair. How would it feel if he was holding more than just a strand of my hair, with how much anticipation would I be looking up to him, if his fingers were completely entangled with my hair.

I could feel my heart beating faster, louder in excitement of those alluring pictures my slightly drunken mind was painting with the pure colours of honey, blueberries and grapes. It wasn't longer than a splitsecond that I allowed my mind this freedom to think, but it was enough to have those pictures forever imprinted in my head. I was too lost in those exciting thoughts that I only realised he was speaking, when he had almost finished his question. "..have to spend tomorrow with?" was all I heard and I could only assume what his question was about.

My eyes once again caught the blank backside of those three pictures and that hint of jealousy was stinging me like a dagger forged of pure ice. Why?! Why was this woman I had never even met bothering me so much? Because I secretly knew that she once had what I was wishing for now? Because she was still longing for him after all these years? Because he was still keeping her pictures after their friendship had ended so long ago?! Because maybe his fingers had once messed up her hair.. Maybe all of the aforementioned, or maybe none of them at all, but the feeling of this icy dagger in my guts still remained. I remembered that I hadn't answered his question yet and quickly took my eyes of the piece of paper, moving them back up to those obsidian black eyes.

- Pardon.. I.. that wine is slowly getting to me with it's intoxicating effects.. I'll be in the greenhouses tomorrow, with Professor Sprout.. to be honest I don't really see where this would benefit on my own teaching, but I do not mind getting another few days of grace period more..

The wine wasn't the only thing intoxicating me slowly, as his eyes almost seemed to pull me closer, to pull me inside those black lakes like a monster that wanted me to drown in them. It wouldn't have to use force, oh no, I would have jumped into those unfathomable lakes only oh so gladly, dived deeper and deeper until I was surrounded by nothing but black obsidian.

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