🔸️04.09.1994 - Do you believe in Love? - Pt. 1 Ruined Breakfast

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Word count for chapter four: 15.6K

✒ part one: 9.6K
✒ part two: 6.0K

About part one:

Warnings: manipulation, embarrassment, pity

Mentions: deep description, jealousy, inner talking, dreams, memory, confidence, hurt male ego, past drunkenness, longing, wanting, anger, annoyance, nervousness, regret, sadness


[ me ]

Fog lied thickly on the hills around the castle, covering the wild landscape like a warm blanket, protecting the land from the cold of the night that was slowly driven away by the first cautious rays of sunlight. The world was tinted in an ensemble of lilac, pink and orange, while the night's blue was fading away more and more. A fresh dawn, the beginning of a new day, a fascinating spectacle that was debuted by nature alone and watched by nobody. Nobody?


"The nights are getting colder.", said the squirrel, it's fur fluffed up as a protection against the cold. It seemed to be relieved to see the sun, as this was the proof for it to have survived another dangerous night.
"And the mornings are getting more beautiful.", replied the tree that did not mind the cold, as it had already seen too many winters to still be afraid, "You should gather more moss and leaves to keep you warm. This is only the beginning."

"I should. You might be right.", little did the squirrel know about harsh winters, as it was only its second winter and the last one was barely getting any cold days. It had no idea that the same tree hole it had chosen for its nest had already been the death to many unwary squirrels before. Alas, the tree knew, but it had long ago made its decision to not mingle with the squirrels' businesses, as it was nothing but the everlasting flow of nature, a cruel dance between life and death, warmth and cold, sun and moon..


The castle lied still asleep between the foggy hills, the only sound to be heard was the far away singing of a nightingale in the forest and the only thing that was seen, was a bunch of ginger hair that peaked out from underneath the blanket where I had found myself comfort during this cold night. I should have thought of lighting a fire, but I hadn't felt in any way cold after that wonderful evening, so I hadn't even considered it. One could say I had been just as unwary as the squirrel in its treehole. A decision that took its revenge now. I was awake, however I still tried to deny this fact, as I knew it was still too early and did not feel like getting up yet. I did not want to leave the comfort of my blankets and exchange the relaxing warmth with the cold that was issued by the stone walls and krept through the windows.

Winter was undoubtedly on the way, it was as undeniable as the fact that I was awake and while the sun was forcing the hills out of their blankets of fog, I was forcing myself out of my own blanket as well. I put on a dressing gown, the cold fabric wrapped tightly around my body, as I made my way to the bathroom. - "Do you believe in love?" - Why exactly had I asked him this? Was it really just the wine that had been speaking from me, or was it the unfiltered product of my foolish hopes? I smiled by the thoughts about the passed evening, could even feel his warm touch on my hand for a moment, before it was washed off by the water that was raining down on me in the shower. Warm drops that washed off the last remains of tiredness and wine.

Water. Wasn't water something strange? It was soft, almost unable to feel when touched, fluid, yielding, but yet it was powerful enough to wear away rocks, to break them and to even carry them away. How can something that is so soft and almost invisible break something that is hard and solid? If water could do this, maybe I could as well? Wasn't I soft as well, while the potions master remained hidden behind his walls of stone? Showerthoughts. Clearly the purest of all thoughts, cleaned by the persistence of water.

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