Changes - Pt. 2 A Blueberry Dinner

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About part two:

8.6K words

Warnings: inappropriate looks and thoughts, unethical directness, regrets, self-pity, arrogance, disgust, pity.

Mentions: coziness, excitement, fire, romantic athmosphere, wine, dinner, sneaking, comparison, books, forbidden thoughts, temptations, intoxicating taste, appreciation, nervousness, neatness, deep talk, lingering eyes, self-control, overthinking, memories, conclusions, defeat, annoyance, hurt male ego, dangerous people, witty responses, flirt, playful behavior, confidence, desires, imitation, jokes, rumors, skilled talkers.



-time skip: the late evening.-

She was here! He heard a knock on the door and immediately got up from his comfortable armchair, putting the book aside. He had lit the fireplace in his really huge room, a room that was always dark though, more likely dimly lit because of the candles that were the only source of light (along with the fire in the fireplace). There was a candle in each corner, four on the bookshelves, and one on his bedside nightstand. And this was an every day thing, he hadn't done it now on purpose for the woman, he wasn't a fan of electricity to be honest, because he found a lot of beauty in things like that, like fire that made him calm. The fire that no one but The Man has discovered, the fire that shouldn't be forgotten exists. He was a man of his principles and always has been, always would respect even the smallest and most insignificant thing in this world, but not people, because people were, unfortunately, unfortunately smaller than these things.


Patting his clothes, he opened the door, a thin, almost imperceptible smile crossing his face before his eyes fell immediately to the bottle of wine. Oh... She didn't have to worry about that...

- Good evening and oh, you didn't have to bring anything- I saw. you. Mister Weasley. - he said in a low tone to his voice, sounding bitterly strict, teacherly, which was even somehow attractively sexy. Demanding somehow... He also made enough room for the woman to enter the room, warning Weasley that he should stop roaming the school corridors soon and go to bed.

[ me ]

Those few seconds between my knock and the door being opened felt like half an eternity, even though time was as restless as the creatures roaming the forest. I had completely lost any sense for my surroundings, not even noticing the student walking past behind me. Careless one would say, but in fact I did care a lot in this moment, I did care for my dress being straight, for my hair looking nicely, for my smile not being too obvious, for my thoughts staying calm, for him and his reaction.. there simply was no capacity left to care for my surroundings and all thise things that simply were of no importance. I did not come here with any expectations, hopes yes, but not with any goals that I wanted to achieve at all costs. The only thing I hoped for was a nice evening, some good conversations, blueberries and maybe the chance to get a bit closer to finding a way behind his thick walls of stone.

Expectations in my opinion are even more treacherous than hopes, as they are more concrete, visible, tangible even, but yet often too far away to reach. Expectations are destructive, dangerous and humans ruined so much only due to their own expectations, they forget to enjoy the small moments, because they constantly push further, their only goal being to fulfill or even exceed their own unrealistic expectations, while life consists of nothing but small moments. Maybe that's why spontaneous ideas and adventures are often the best, as we do not have time to prepare, to make up any expectations, but are just forced to enjoy the moment itself. And that's why I decided to come here tonight without any expectations on what this evening might bring, as it was about the moment itself that needed to be enjoyed.

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