The Day After - Pt. 2 Black-haired Kids

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About part two:

9.8K words

Warnings: anger, disrespect, karma, disgust.

Mentions: male weakness, coldness, pity, enthusiasm, respect, warmth, softness, hints of attraction.


[ solarvig ]

As the man was gathering the tests, the bell rang and the students didn't even wait for him, pushing into him just to get out of the classroom as quickly as possible. Ironic indeed, how the rude treatment he applied to others returned to him, perhaps because fate is something unusual, unpredictable, and powerful in itself, designed to kill us slowly.

Severus had a lot going on in his mind right now, it wasn't just the memories or the feelings shared with those memories, there was something more, there was an image of a new woman who could so easily break him if she wanted to. He was a man, but men are even weaker than women and especially the potions teacher, who could definitely be torn apart by a woman, to say the least. The point was that he himself was a man who could hurt a woman...

It never occurred to him that he would come to this point, that he would have to bear not only his own stones and guilts, but also those of others. He would give anything to go back and never make those mistakes, but even with magic none of it would be real. And the real things, alas, are the sweetest and the most painful. "True things, alas, are sweetest and most painful." he thought as he slowly walked over to his desk and put the tests down without looking at the woman.

Instead, he looked at the folder and at the letter from Rose that had been set aside. He took it in his hand, opened it, read it again, then put it in his pocket before saying something to the woman who was sitting in her chair in front of him so... Vulnerable. Fragile. Powerful. Magnificent... A woman who was so real, but alas, real things are the sweetest and most painful...

- Can you believe it? I'm running out of poisons.

However, time didn't wait for the black-haired man, as the 1st years ran inside his room and took their seats, knowing that this was the strictest teacher there. Time waits for no one, time doesn't even wait for the birds outside. We all conform to the time which was somehow unfair to us - living beings.

Severus didn't know yet that fate would deal him one of the most crushing slaps of all time. He didn't know that this slap would smolder over his heart and remind him how pathetic he was, and now losing his pupils in the woman with that beautiful hair color, he couldn't believe that another woman could enter his life.

At that moment, he turned to see two children with black hair and eyes, eyes yellow-orange as honey, that he couldn't forget. He still didn't know, he thought it was some kind of coincidence or that his mind was playing some heart-wrenching tricks on him in some way just to hurt him more.

Time waits for no one... Alas, time waits for no one.

The bell would ring, and no more than five solid minutes had passed. Severus immediately turned to the woman again and opened an old book about mystical creatures from which he pulled out a snow-white sheet of names. The names of the students in that room with their parents' names, giving it to his colleague, expecting her to "assist" him with her help.

- Would you read the names out loud so I could memorize the students' faces and their names?

He asked, quietly placing the sheet in front of her, taking her hand in his to show that he would appreciate her help if she gave it to him. However, in fact, he would appreciate everything this woman could give him, and he?... Well, he quickly let go of her hand, because he can't let himself be around that dangerous woman, keeping his expressionless face and somehow even rude features as he almost dramatically turned to the class and lost his eyes again in those two children.

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