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Will's eyes shone like gold, his pupils rolled up to the top of his head. Light dripped down his eyes like tears. His shaking arm held Nico's unconscious body, "I said don't touch MY BOYFRIEND!" Will screamed at the darkness and then hundreds of tendrils of light attacked the titan of the sun. Helios screamed as the tendrils of light wrapped around the titan. Soon the titan disappeared and the tendrils of light went back into Will's body. Will collapsed in a heap and regretfully welcomed nightmares.

( Frozen 2 vibes.
Will heard something and follows it towards Helio's den or cave. Nico follows Will in secret and got attacked. Will lost control of his powers. Blah blah blah. This won't make sense. Especially the next one, BUT they are connected so yah)

One Shots, Two Shots And A Dead Drew.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora