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Why is death always imagined as a headless wearing a black cloak, what if he has wings that has all the shades of colour you could ever imagine? What if he has a child-like face whose smile has an odd sense of comfort?

What if death comes as a lover instead?

Okay, I know, that sounds weirdly poetic coming from me. I blame Annabeth for making me think deeper about stuff. Anyway, Will Solace was sitting next to Nico di Angelo under this huge oak tree at Camp Half-Blood. Most of the other campers were out on a quest, so it was just the two of them, holding hands and talking about, well, death. I know, typical Nico.

Nico turned to Will, and I could see his intense, dark eyes locking onto Will’s. “You’re talking about Thanatos,” he said. “He doesn’t look like that, you know.”

Will shrugged, his blond hair catching the last light of the setting sun. “I know, but it’s interesting to imagine. Maybe it’s my way of making sense of everything we’ve been through.”

Nico gave a small squeeze to Will’s hand. They’d been through a lot, no doubt. I mean, they had seen more crazy stuff than most people could even dream of. Death was kind of Nico’s thing, being a son of Hades and all, but with Will, it seemed less scary, more... manageable.

“Maybe death isn’t about fear or sorrow,” Nico said, his voice barely audible. “Maybe it’s about transition. About moving from one state to another, like how colors blend in a sunset.”

Will’s eyes lit up. “Or like how our lives blend together. We’ve faced so much, but we’ve come out stronger. Together.”

Nico leaned his head on Will’s shoulder, looking unusually peaceful. “Death as a lover,” he murmured. “I like that idea. It means we’re never really alone.”

Will chuckled, the sound almost musical. “And if death has a child-like face with a comforting smile, maybe it means there’s always hope. Even in the darkest moments.”

They sat there, silent but together, as the stars started to peek out. It was kind of nice, watching them find comfort in each other. They were like the balance between light and dark, life and death. And somehow, that made everything feel a little more right in the world.

Nico’s eyes drifted upward, probably thinking about the future. With Will beside him, he seemed ready for anything. It was like he wasn’t afraid of death anymore, just ready to face it when it came, knowing he wouldn’t be alone.

So, yeah, maybe death isn’t just some scary, cloaked figure. Maybe it’s part of the journey, something you face with the people you love. And with that thought, I realized, maybe love really is the greatest adventure we’ll ever have.

Happy 50+ Chapters!!!

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