Dang. I just love angst don't I?

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He always loved the sunrise

Loved the color of life.

He grew to love the color too

Watching him as he brushes his
hand through the grass

Plucking sour strawberries

From their stems.

Now, his tears glint in the

As the sun begins to glow.

They both lie here at this tree

Except he's ten feet below.

Nico cried at the tree.
The tree where so many memories were made.
Where they had their first date.
Where they had their first kiss.
Now, where one lies deep in the ground, eternal.

"He promised me that he would never leave!"

"He promised."

"He promised"

Nico sat, at the tree where many memories were made.

"Dead people are given more flowers than living. Because regret is stronger than gratitude."

The feeling of seeing your love die in front of you, whilst trying to save you is horrifying. Feeling that gut-wrenching pain knowing that he's too far gone. Not knowing if he would stay in the Elysium or go for a rebirth. Just the thought of Nico's love as someone he will never meet again, or if so, will never recognize pains him more than carrying his disfigured body towards the infirmary. Seeing his siblings cry at the sight as you stagger in. Looking at his beautiful blue eyes one last time as they look unto the sun, empty. As the blood leaks from his shirt, staining his. As his head lolled around aimlessly. As the blood trickled from his mouth. As his hand in his last attempt to show you are loved caress your face "I'm s-sorry suns-shin-ne" he whispered as his hand fell to the ground. No longer moving.

"I will never love again."

Nico ran that night. He went to go talk to Naomi, they both needed the assurance... Only to see Naomi, hanging on the ceiling, tears pouring down, only to see Apollo weeping at her body which was dangling in the air. "My wife... My son, my beloved son!" Apollo cried banging his fist against the floor. "WHY MUST THE FATES BE SO CRUEL?" Apollo yelled looking at Nico in the eye. Nico shrugged as his body started shaking, as tears leaked from his eyes. Nico fell to the ground and cried.

Help. This hurts... I didn't make myself cry nope nooooot at all

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