2- New King

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Her nephew now sat on the Iron throne. She stood next to her sister as Ned Stark approached the throne room. She eyed her sister and saw her smirk as she saw Ned's face at seeing Joeefry sitting at the throne where Robert once sat.

She was far too busy eyeing Sandor that she failed to pay any attention the Ned and Cersei's bickering. It's only when her sister rips apart the paper holding Robert's last wishes that she turns back to her sister.

She mentally begs Ned to kneel for Joffrey just so he's left unharmed.

One moment Ned's ordering the men to send all of them to the dungeons only to have her sister order them all. Next thing she knows men start stabbing and ripping each other apart. One of Ned's men tries to come at her only to have him stabbed by the Hound.

Cersei who is next to her son holds her sister as the Hound starts killing men for the Lannisters.

"Cersei, stop this." She begs her sister not wanting to see more blood.

Her sister turns to her only to shake her head and turn back to her son.

"They tried to harm my family. Your family. Our family." Cersei frowns as she smirks at seeing Ned apprehended by Littlefinger.

"Hound! Go get Sansa." She calls for Sandor before he nods and starts to look for the Stark girl.


She paces around waiting for Sandor before having him arrive with Sansa. The young girl looks at Eleanor who pitties the poor girl. As Sandor leaves her with Cersei he turns to an angry Eleanor.

"Did you really have to get the girl?"

"Aye, I saved you-"

"I give two fucks if you saved me, Sandor. The poor girl feels like a prisoner, and her father is down in the dungeons as a traitor."

Sandor shakes his head rolling his eyes at his lady. Eleanor walks up to him about to slap him only to have him get a hold of her hand, and having him pull her closer to his frame.

His bulky hands get a hold of her and her small frame. He looks down at the lady who feels with the need to cry.

"Aye." He calls as his finger pulls her face to him.

"I serve your sister and her son. However, I serve you in my own ways." He chuckles giving her a peck on the lips.

"My sister is willing to do whatever for her children. What if she-"

"She's smart but no idiot."

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