6-Is this a game?

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"No one needs to know. Do you two listen to me? If Joefrey or gods forbid Cersei to find out"

"Or father."

"Or father find out! You Hound will be dead and you Eleanor will be....will father will probably do nothing to you, but he will lecture you!"

They nod before Tyrion turns to Sandor who caresses Eleanor's little belly.

"I should have your dick for what you did to my sister."

"She enjoyed it, imp."



To say Tywin was furious when he got the letter was an understatement. He expected it to be a letter from Eleanor wishing him well on the battlefield and to come back safe and sound. However, instead, it was a letter from Tyrion saying that his unwed daughter was pregnant with the bastard of an unknown man.

His good daughter Eleanor, the best child of all his children is with child. The one reason she was left unwed for and now she was pregnant. He quickly took a feather and paper to start writing to his expecting daughter.


She read the letter in her hands written by her father as Sandor just stepped into her chambers.

"You called?" He asks extending his hand to caress her slightly swollen belly.

"My father." She responds still reading the letter.

Sandor hums as he admires the belly of his beloved who looks worried.

"What bout your father?"

"He wants me to get rid of it."

Eleanor looks up at the stunned Sandor, who just keeps on caressing her womb. 

"Fuck your cunt of a father." Sandor leans in kissing her and kneeling to kiss her belly.


"Congratulations, my lady." Varys smiled softly at Eleanor who was busy reading a book.

"For what reasons are you  congratulating me, my lord?"

"You and the Hound are expecting a child. Am I wrong?"

Eleanor's eyes widen before looking around them and looking back at Varys angrily. She should have paid more attention to the little ones he uses.

"Are you playing one of your little games, Varys?"

"No, my lady. Just congratulating the expecting mother of the heir to Casterly Rock and of House Cleagane."

"My brother-"

"Lord Tyrion may be the only "available heir", however, the moment you wed and your child is born it's expected for your father to place him as heir."

Eleanor looks away fidgeting with her fingers and confirming her thoughts. Her father hates her brother and she knows he's willing to do anything to place someone else as lord of Casterly Rock. However, he's also traditional. Placing what he considers a bastard as heir does not sound like him. As for House Cleagane, Gregor is the oldest son yet he has provided no sons that anybody knows of. 

Tommen can also be placed as Lord of Casterly Rock since he's the spare. If anything happens to Joffrey he's there to fill the spot.

"Are you planning to make my son the heir to my family, Varys?" Eleanor smirks as interest fills her.

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