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Eleanor walked around the castle looking for her young niece, Myrcella. As She walked down the halls and took a turn she came face to face with Sandor's chest. He's quick to hold her up as she is about to trip.

"You kay?"

She nods looking away or not even glancing at him. His hand lands on her womb to help balance her only to get it slapped away. Eleanor rushes away from him only to have her hand grasped by his. She tries to pull away, however, his strength holds her in place.

"We need to talk."

"Talk about what, Sandor? That you got me knocked up with your pup?"


"Don't you fucking 'Aye' me, Sandor! If it weren't for your damn kid you would've been ignoring me by now." Eleanor pulls her hand away leaving Sandor angry and upset.


"Any news on Jaime?" She asks Cersei who was busy writing down on the paper.

She shakes her head before Eleanor sits down earning a glance from her sister. To others she was ruthless, yet with her dear little sister she always seemed to be kind and caring. Eleanor was the last thing she had of he mother. 



"Why did you do it? You know-"

"What? Knowing that's how mom died? That's the only reason I haven't been wed to any men, 'cause you're all afraid I'll die like her."

"Be honest with me. Who's the father?" She says glaring down at her sister. 

"I won't tell you, Cersei. I know your ways, sister. You'll promise me that you won't hurt him then I'll tell you and you'll probably order for his head." Eleanor smirks before getting back up.

"You don't trust me?" She scoffs angrily at her sister, before sipping wine from her usual cup.

"At times, not even at all." 

Cersei looks up at her little sister angrily with a glare she's only given to people such as Ned Stark or even Tyrion. She gets up planting her hands on the desk chuckling at her pregnant little sister.

"We're family and must protect one another."

"Just like you protect our brother Tyrion?" Eleanor retorts back to her big sister who was now in a rage.

"You think you're smart, yet here you are bearing a bastard of a lord who doesn't have the cock to confess it's his seed in your womb."

"Who said it was a lord, dear sister? Plus, at least I didn't bed my own brother and have his bastard placed on the throne."

"Targaryens bed each other!"

"Yet you're no Targaryen!"

Cersei slaps her sister before earning a smack herself from Eleanor's firm hard hand.


"I dare hit my sister! Not the queen mother!" Eleanor yells out before turning her back to her now furious sister.

"Fuck you and your bastard! You stain the family name! You're nothing like Mother!"


Sandor enters the library walking to a crying Eleanor, who looks up at him with a red mark on her cheek. He tries to reach for her only for Eleanor to pull away from him and his grasp. 

"Whose the fucking cunt?" He asks angrily while looking at the slapped cheek.

"Cersei..." She sniffs before Sandor places his hand on her cheek.

She tries to pull away again; only for Sandor to lean in and pull her closer to his frame. Eleanor looks away from him only for his hand to guide her face back to his. His hand travels down to her womb making her look down on how he caresses her slightly and nearly bulging belly. She softens at his touch at seeing him slightly caress the spot.

She looks up seeing his face heavily focused on the life inside her. Next thing she knows he caresses her red cheek and kisses her forehead.

"You're right. If it weren't for the pup I wouldn't be talking to you. However, you are not expecting the child of a man who doesn't love or yearn for you. I know I'm not much for you, nor the ideal man for a woman especially a lady such as you."


"However, from this day till my last I swear to care for you and our child," Sandor says holding both her hands on his.

"If you loved me you wouldn't have ended it." She says pulling away from him.

Sandor looks down at her before completely pinning her to the wall right next to the window overlooking the garden.

"I want, yearn, and dream for you, Eleanor. Why do you think I  ended it? I ended it for our own good. If anybody found out you lost your maidenhood to the Hound your name would be stained. I couldn't bear the idea of you being labeled or called a whore due to my actions."

Sandor leans in roughly taking her lips in his into a messy kiss. Eleanor resists only for her to kiss back when he slightly bites her lip and tongue. His growls fill her ears as she indulges in his touch. 

Sandor lifts her up in his arms before trying to let his aching cock spring free. Eleanor moans as soon as he slams himself into her core. Her moans fill the library as Sandor lifts her up and down his pulsing cock. Eleanor's hands tangled themselves in his messy and tangled locks before moving one of her hands to his burned side. She caresses the huge scar before kissing it and drawing a grunt from Sandor.

Eleanor whines as his thumb starts circling her clit pushing her closer to the edge.

Her hands start holding onto his shoulders; as her legs envelop themselves around his waist. Sweat beads drip down her frame as the heat of it all consumes her whole being. Sandor lays her on a table nearby drawing more sounds from their meeting. 

Eleanor whines before releasing all over his cock which soon releases and pushes his seed deeper into her. They groan in each other's arms before basking in the afterglow of it all, together. 

"What the hell?!"

They turn to a shocked and furious Tyrion darting at the both of them. His gaze rages as he sees the Hound. 

"Get your dick out of my sister!"

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