14-Purple Wedding

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"You should send men out for her! That beast took her-"

"Last I heard she left! You don't think I want her back as well! Of you all, she's the only one of my children I haven't been upset over. Plus, if you hadn't been such a...imbecile to her she would have stayed!" Tywin yelled to Cersei as she looked down and he looked down at the papers scattered on his desk.

"Men will jump at the reward."  He defends his 

"Will they find her in time before she births his pups?" 

Tywin looks up furious that his daughter had just told him that Eleanor was pregnant, again.


Tywin looked at his daughter's letter and kept on reading it over and over again.

'Forgive me for any trouble I've caused or may cause from now on, father. 

I know you've always held me up to a high standard, however, I fear I may have broken that. I shall leave this horrible place my sister has called home. I've done as best as I could to push any differences aside. However, I can't. I can't pretend I cared for my sister when she killed my child, mistreated my brother, and even hurt me, emotionally. I especially can't be near her son, if she's capable of doing horrible acts to me what would her son do to me? 

I love you, father, just as I loved mother. I love Jaime and Tyrion. I love Myrcella and Tommen. However, now I have someone else whom I love and that is my husband. Forgive me for leaving you, but right now I have to do what's right. Forgive me, father. Please, tell those I love that I'm doing this for my safety. 

You may see my actions as selfish and I understand. However, I must go. 

                                                                                                                     - Sincerely, your little cub, Eleanor'

He throws the paper to the fire and watches as the ink in the paper slowly melts till it disintegrates with the burned letter.

He gets up needing to get ready for his grandson's wedding to Margery Tyrell.


All Cersei thought of was her new daughter-in-law whom she despised, and her sweet sister whom she missed, dearly. She looks up at her son happy at how much fun he's having at his wedding. She smiled watching the play and at Lora's anger regarding Renly's death.

However, when Joffrey poured wine on Tyrion's head she had to hold in laughter as all she could do was smile.

She began enjoying the way her son yelled and ordered her brother, however, her smile faded when Margery called out for the pie.

"Uncle, where are you going? you're my cupbearer, remember?"

"I know, my grace but It'll be best if I change out of these wet clothes.

"No, you're fine the way you are."

Tyrion nods serving her son wine into his glass. However, as if the gods had sensed her joy her son began choking. Jaime rushed to help a choking Joffrey and soon Cersei followed to help her son. She held her son and watched in horror as her boy turned purple as a grape and fought to breathe. 

His bloody eyes looked up at his mother as he gurgled in his blood and tried to point to where his uncle stood. His mother followed and soon looked back down as she saw her son die in her arms, just as Elia Martell had watched her children die right in front of her.

"My son." She teared up as she held his dead limp body. 

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