13- Trouble

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"Did you two have to hit that poor man?"

"Aye, don't say anything 'cause boy are you cooking that stew."

Eleanor rolls her eyes handing her husband a bowl.

"Arya come eat some." Eleanor poured some stew in a bowl to Arya who was looking at the Frey home.

"Ya keep on looking as if that's going to go anywhere," Sandor tells the Stark girl before eating more pig, as his wife turns to glare at him.

"Let that poor girl, be. She's just excited to see her family, she hasn't seen them since she left Winterfell." Eleanor reminds her husband who rolls his eyes.

Arya turns walking to the couple and glaring at the Hound before moving to Eleanor who hands her a bowl of the stew she made.

"If you keep on eating that pig, they won't believe that you're bringing it." Arya snaps at Sandor who just groans, meanwhile, his wife laughs.

"She does have a point." Eleanor laughs as her husband looks down at her.

"What? She does have a point! If you keep on eating there won't be any for the feast."

"Har har. I see you're both teaming up against me." Sandor responds to Eleanor who rolls her eyes.


They both covered their faces with the hoods as Sandor rode the wagon filled with all the goods to the entrance. Arya was on the back holding on and looking around.

However, as they got to the entrance Eleanor noticed something was off. She heard a very familiar song she'd heard and even danced to ever since she was a mere child. As her husband was too busy arguing and talking to the guard. Eleanor got off and turned to see Arya gone.

As she walks to find the Stark girl, her mind stops at the realization of the song playing in the feast.

"The Rains of Catasmere." Eleanor gasps as she spots Arya hiding.

"Arya," Eleanor whispers to the girl who turns back to the Lannister.

"Sweetheart, we have to leave." She tells the Stark girl who shakes her head.

"No, what about my family? You both were gonna bring me here. Look there's some Stark soldiers." Arya tells Eleanor as they turn to the feasting soldiers right before Frey men come and start stabbing them all.

Once the men leave they both see how Grey Wind barks and pleads to be let out.

"Arya no!" Eleanor calls for Arya who moves a spot to get to the wolf, unfortunately, more soldiers come killing the wolf.

The Stark girl runs however as if on cue Sandor hits her head.


"Come!" Sandor yells to his wife before taking her hand and running to his horse.

As her husband was leaving they stopped and watched on as any Stark men was brutally killed. Sandor turns and they all see how men ride Robb off with his own wolf's head as his own. Eleanor looks to Arya and as soon as she sees the young girl looking at her dead brother she immediately covers her eyes.

"Don't look little one."


"Let her sleep," Eleanor whispers to her husband as she places a blanket over a sleeping Arya.

"What are we gonna do now, Sandor?"

"Gonna take her to her aunt." He groans out.

Sandor turned to his wife who gently caressed her swollen belly as she looked down at the poor girl.

"How are you doing?" he asks as his hand comes down to her belly.

"Dizzy, that's all." She smiles softly as her husband kisses her and caresses her belly.

"Aye, calm down in there ya hurting your mother."

Eleanor giggles softly at her husband scolding their unborn child, as her hands come to hold his face and caress his scarred side.

"Sandor if anything happens to me-"

"Don't begin now, woman." He shakes his head as he kisses the palm of her hand on his scarred side.

"Sandor, my mother died giving birth to Tyrion. You and I both know anything could happen."

"But not to you." He growls softly as his hand keeps on caressing the spot.


"No, stop talking 'bout this."

"Sandor Cleagane!" Eleanor scolds her husband whose face softens as his eyes land on hers.

"If I don't make it promise me that our child won't carry my House's name, Sandor."

"Aye, you got nothing to worry about 'cause I'll make sure you and I our kid will make it." He comforts his sweet wife who kisses him softly.

Next thing, Eleanor knows Sandor lifts her up as a soft giggle leaves her and his lips begin to bite her neck.

"Honey, we can't." Eleanor covers her mouth when a moan leaves her lips.

They hear a sleeping Arya shift in her sleep and Sandor is quick to take his wife behind a tree.

"Sandor," Eleanor whines as her husband raises her leg and undoes his trousers.

"The metal." She warns Sandor due to the noise his armor is causing.

"I don't give two shits." He groans as his cock slips between her wet folds.

Sandor groans as his wife covers her mouth knowing full well that moans would leave her lips as soon as his pace quickened. He pulls down the top part of her dress allowing her breasts to spring free, just so Sandor could suck on her tits.


"So this is the Hound's famous Lannister wife?" The soldier smirks while slowly checking Eleanor out.

Her hand wraps around her husband's who holds it tight, and glares down at one of his brother's soldiers.

"What's a Lannister lady doin' out here? Especially one that's carrying your pup, heh?" The man asks.

"None of your fucking business." 

The men laughs and Eleanor turns to Arya as she glares at the men responsible for her friend's death.

"I'm simply accompanying my husband."

The men stared at Sandor's wife before turning to a glaring Arya.

"I didn't believe it when I heard the king's dog left the Battle of Blackwater, especially when I heard he left with his Lannister wife. Lord Tywin right now has a huge reward for your return." He points to Eleanor.

"The King's mother has also put a reward but for your head, Hound." 

Eleanor holds onto her husband's calloused hand and grips it tight when the men offers her husband a deal over some chickens.

"A chicken of ours for one of yours." The men smirks as he looked at Arya.

Eleanor turned to her husband who nodded as he looked at Arya.

"I'll take three chickens."

"I don't think you understand our offer. Your whole life you've served the king, will you die over some chickens?"

Sandor flips the table catching Eleanor and Arya off guard. One of the men try to grab Eleanor, but Sandor grabs the men and twists his neck.

Another tries to grab a hold of her as she stood near the exit, but Arya takes a dead man's sword and stabs the guy with it. 

"Sandor!" Eleanor yelled out as her husband was kicked to the ground.

Arya stabs the men as he tried to stab Sandor from the back, and Eleanor turns away as Arya ends the life of the same men who killed her friend.

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