16- Imbecile

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She still couldn't bear the fact that her husband and the father of her child would be willing to betray innocent people who helped them out. She knew the old Sandor would probably do that, but she thought that probably he had changed for the sake of their child.

She ignored him and only spoke to him when it regarded Arya, or the child growing inside her belly.

"You alright?" Arya asked Eleanor as she kneeled and grabbed hold of a tree to lean forward.

Sandor stopped skinning the rabbit and turned to his wife in worry of her state. Her hand caressed her swollen belly where his child rested. He got up to his wife and gently soothed her back.

"Don't touch me." She shoved his hand roughly as she leaned away from his touch.

"Now is no damn time for fightin' woman. I'm tryin' to help you."

"I don't need your fucking help, Hound." She spat back before pushing him away and vomiting out her breakfast from earlier.


She slept with Arya and held the girl protectively as if she were her own. She held her just as she held tyrion back when they were children, and he sneaked into her bedroom after he suffered a nightmare. She remembered how she would sing a lullaby to her little brother and held him tight to comfort him. 

However, one thing that did make it hard was the fact that she needed to go through all the names of people that she wanted to kill, just to sleep.

"Will you shut the fuck up?" Sandor groaned as he too tried to sleep.

"Sandor, she can't sleep without saying their names," Eleanor informed Sandor who glanced at her. 

"The names of every fucking person in Westeros?"

"Only the ones I want to kill." 

Sandor chuckles.

"We come across my brother, maybe we can both cross a name off our list."

Arya sits up looking at Eleanor who didn't spare Sandor a single glance.

"If he were here right now, what would you do?" She asked turning to Eleanor's husband.

Arya is met with silence as the Hound looks at the girl thinking of an answer. Eleanor turned to her husband as the silence slowly grew.

"I'd tell him to shut the fuck up, so I can get some sleep." He finally breaks the silence as he looks up at the sky.

"Go on, get it over with, your list of doomed men."

"I'm almost done. Only one name left."

"Go on," he mumbles closing his eyes.

Arya turns around snuggling into Eleanor as she looks down at the girl in her arms.

"The Hound." She mumbled before drifting off to sleep.


"Arya, be careful!" Eleanor called out to the girl as she trained. A small smile plastered on her face as she turned back to the river to wash some clothes.

"The hell you doing?!" Sandor asked Arya.


"What, what's ways to die?"

"No one's going to kill me." She rolled her eyes.

"They will if you nance around like that."

Eleanor laughed making her husband turn to her as she looked at his bickering with Arya.

"That's no way to fight."

"It's not fighting. It's water dancing."

"Dancing? Maybe you ought to put on a dress." He chuckles.

"Who taught you that shite?"

"The greatest swordsman who ever lived." Arya turns to Sandor.

"Syrio Forel, the first sword to the Sealord of Braavos"

"Braavos." Sandor scoffed rolling his eyes, meanwhile, Eleanor began getting up.

"Greasy-haired little bastard, I bet. they all are."

"What do you know about anything?"

"Both of you stop it, already!" Eleanor yelled at them as if they were little infants fighting over a toy.

"I bet his hair is greasier than Joffrey's cunt."

"It was not!"

"Guys stop!"

"He dead?" Sandor continued.



"He was killed."

"Who by?"

"Sandor Cleagane stop it now!"

"Meryn Trant. That's why Ser Meryn-"

"Meryn Trant?" Sandor taunts Arya.

"The greatest swordsman who ever lived killed by Meryn fucking Trant?"

"He was outnumbered." Arya tried to argue back as Eleanor grew irritated.

"Any boy whore with a sword could beat three Meryn trants."

"Syrio didn't have a sword or armor. Just a stick."

"The greatest swordsman who ever lived didn't have a sword?" Sandor chuckles angering his wife as he looks up at her.


"Did you have to hit her?!" Eleanor slapped her husband's arm as she washed Arya's small cut on her lip.

"Aye, she stabbed me!"

"You started it!"

"ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!" Eleanor finally snapped glaring at both of the children.

"You both are acting like children! Please for once behave!" She scolded them before slowly getting up. Sandor immediately stood up taking her hand in his and helping her get up due to her belly.

"Take it easy," He held his wife as she glared at him.

"I would if you weren't such an imbecile."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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