8- Parting

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Eleanor held her niece tightly as she cried. She was to be sent to Dorne for a marriage alliance and her safety. 

"Don't worry sweet child you're going to be safe."

"B-But I don't want to!"

"I know you don't Myrcella but this is your duty! As it was mine and your mother's, sweetling. I don't wish this for you however this is your duty as a woman and princess."

Myrcella nods teary-eyed to her auntie who keeps on holding her tightly, and kisses her forehead. She was like a daughter to her, and meant everything to her! This was the last thing she wished on her, however, this is her duty. The duty she was cursed with since birth! 

Eleanor knew that even if the Martells wanted their blood, Myrcella would be the safest with them. As long as Cersei or Joffrey didn't provoke them or do anything. Cersei brought this onto herself. If she had better control over her son and not been so reckless she wouldn't have to send her daughter away. 

If she had listened to Ned when he told her to leave, she wouldn't have gotten killed, nor have a bastard on the throne whom everybody wanted to get rid of. Even Eleanor herself hates Cersei! 

Cersei had taken the thing any woman would say is their greatest gift- a child. A child made and born out of love, not hate, duty, or responsibility. Her own sister, the woman she considered family took that from her and ruined her little brother's life. She remembered when she was 14 she would spend time with Tyrion, and as Cersei strolled by them she would snicker at their little brother and curse him for taking their mother.

Something she never understood her family for. How could they hate him over something he had no control over? He didn't ask to be born, nor end their mot her's life!

Just then Cersei arrives finding her daughter hugging her sister tightly and finding comfort in Eleanor's arms, not hers. Eleanor looks up angrily at her sister before Myrcella looks up running to her mother.

"My sweet girl!" Cersei cries out holding her daughter tight not wanting to ever have her taken from her.


"You and I both know it was for the best."

"Was it? I gave you the idea to send her off, and if anything happens to her I won't forgive myself."

Myrcella has been send-off to Dorne much to Cersei's anger. Eleanor thought of it. She gave the Dorne idea to her brother knowing she would be safe!

"I've already lost a child, Tyrion. I can't bear to lose another even if they didn't come from my womb." She speaks referring to sweet Tommen and Myrcella.

"She'll be safe."

Eleanor nods looking out at her sister strolling through the gardens and accompanying Joffrey. She needed him off of the throne, as immediately as ever!


Sandor held her tightly as his hand caressed her back soothingly in comfort.

"I've heard Stanis is getting closer."

"Fuck Stannis."

Eleanor giggles kissing her husband's lips lightly before Sandor starts devouring her lips. 

"Sandor, not here." Eleanor pants as Sandor lifts and pins her to the wall.

"That didn't stop us before." He groans as his cock springs free from its confinements.

His bulging tip slides into her as all Eleanor can do is hold in any whimpers or moans from escaping. She knew if she simply breathed a loud moan would escape her lips and possibly get them caught, again!

As soon as his cock fits halfway he feels the tip kiss her cervix, and her walls tighten around him. He looks down at their joined bodies and slowly slides out before sliding back into her.


Cersei entered trying to find any scripts that could support Joffrey's claim, or at least some idea to get people's favor. However, instead of finding a script or a book she found the Hound rutting himself inside her sister. Skin meeting skin was the only thing that filled the library as Sandor and Eleanor fucked.

Eleanor held her husband tightly wanting the warmth that he provided so well. Cersei watched on in disgust at seeing the Hound have intimacy with her little sister. How could Eleanor be attracted to the beast of a man? Just how?! 

Cersei accidentally leans into a bookcase causing a book to tumble down and earning the attention of the couple. Cersei turns around not allowing the couple to see her on time. 

"Who the fuck is it?" Sandor yells out as a panting Eleanor looks around them.

At no response nor movement, Sandor turns to his wife and starts biting her neck, drawing moans and whines.

It doesn't take long for the smacking to begin, however, this time their noises are far louder. Cersei groans in pure disgust and quietly leaves the library allowing the couple to enjoy the library.

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