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"When are those fuckers gonna leave?" The owner of the brothel asks his partner as the bed banging and moans got louder.

"That scarred guy and blonde chick have been loud as hells!"

At that moment a loud groan is heard as the bed banging seizes.

"Finally!" The owner jinx's himself as the bed continues to bang to the wall.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Eleanor moans out as her husband keeps on slamming to her.


"Shut it!" He yells as his hand slams her behinds.

"Ya like that? Ya like it when I fill you up with my cock?"

Eleanor nods earning another slap and a kiss.

"Say it!"

"Y-Yes! I love it Sandor! I love how your cock fills me!"

Sandor chuckles caressing her slapped behind before Eleanor reached her climax and gushed all over Sandor who grunted as his seed filled her.

"No wonder my babe's in your belly." He chuckles as he caresses her womb, softly.

Eleanor groans in exhaustion as she feels Sandor's seed leak out.

"S-Sandor..." Eleanor whines as Sandor pulls out and cleans her up.


"We need to be careful!" Eleanor yells at her husband who rolled his eyes.

"Aye, don't worry."

"Sandor, people want your head. And our screams don't exactly hide us, well."

"You don't need to worry. I'll beat any men who dares to separate us."

Eleanor giggles softly holding his hand and bringing it to her belly.

"Let's get going, we need to start finding a place for when this little one comes." He chuckles as his hand caressed his wife's slightly swollen womb.

"I bet she's gonna be a kicker."

"She? How are you sure it's gonna be a girl?"

"I just know."

"Daddy's intuition?" Eleanor jokes to her husband.

"No, cause I'm the one who put her in you."


Eleanor blushes madly at her husband who laughs and kisses her cheek.

"Ya weren't saying anything when I was filling you up. Especially, last night."


She woke up at the sound of branches and saw her husband add more wood to the fireplace.

"Sleep." Sandor tells her as his hand caressed her head softly.

"Sandor, please cuddle."

"I have to keep an eye out."

"Please." Eleanor whines.

Sandor sighs wrapping his arms around Eleanor who leans into his warmth.

"I'm scared, Sandor. What if something happens to the baby?" Eleanor tears up and Sandor wipes her tears off.

"Aye, nothing will happen to you nor our kid, ya hear me?"

Eleanor nods.

"If anybody gets near you both I'll cut them and their cock off."

All of a sudden a light of the fireplace disappears and somebody pulls Eleanor away from Sandor. He pulls out his sword only to get hit by behind and to the floor.

"Sandor! Sandor!" Eleanor cries out to her husband as men hold them captive.

"Fucking hurt my wife and I'll kill you and your cock-sucking friends." He spits out to the men.

"Don't worry we won't fuck your whore. We overheard and wouldn't want one with a kid." The men chuckles before all of a sudden both their worlds go dark.


She hears noise and cheers as the men lead her to a bar. When the cloth over her head is taking off her husband turns to her in worry. The men infront of them smiles before turning to her husband.

"Aha! Not a man at all! The Hound!" He happily cheers along with the men around them.

"So good to see you again, and from the looks of it you have a little friend here."

"Thoros..." Sandor says as his eyes adjust to the light and to glare at the the men.

"The fuck you doing here?"

"Drinking and talking to my friends."

"A pretty prize lads." Thoros smirks as he smirks at Eleanor who glared him down.

As she glared him down her and husband notice a very familiar face that was leaving.

"Girl." Sandor calls out to Arya who turns to them.

"What in the seven hells are you doing with the Stark bitch?" He asks before turning to Thoros and back to Arya.

Arya's eyes widen as she realizes she's looking at Eleanor. The sister of the woman she planned to kill. The kind and gentle sister of Cersei Lannister who treated her kindly.

Arya knew Eleanor wasn't like the other Lannister's. When Arya's wolf bit Joffrey, Eleanor comforted the young girl and told her to hide her wolf. She even comforted a crying Sansa when her wolf Lady was killed.

During the ride North to Kings-landing the young woman was nothing but kind to the Stark's.


She snuggled into his chest as they rode in the carriage by their captives. She feels her stomach feeling uneasy and her husband soothes her by kissing her forehead.

"It's alright." He comforts his pregnant wife.

"Why the hell's would you travel a pregnant woman?" One of the men asked Sandor.

"Cause she's my wife and I'll never leave her behind. Especially, if she's carrying my kid."

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