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Piece of cloak is taken off of her, and when it is she's next to Arya and her husband in the middle of the cave. She worries as men surround them and he begins talking to one with an eye patch and named "Beric".

They question her husband and as they do worry fills her whole. God she hated how cocky her husband was. At times she loved it, but at times like this when he joked she worried as hells.

It's Arya mentions her dead baker friend that Eleanor turns to her. She sees how Sandor's eyes widen and how they land on his scared pregnant wife. 

"He had to! Sandor had to kill him!" Eleanor helms out as Beric turns to her.

"And who are you?"

"Don't mind her-"

"I'm Eleanor Lannister and Sandor's wife." She yells  the man as his eyes widen.

"You're a Lannister?!" He turns to his men who are about to apprehend Eleanor before Arya gets in the way.

"She's not like the other Lannisters! She's different." Arya says as she looks up at Eleanor.

"She's kind. She's helped me." Arya testified and with that the men don't lay a hand on Eleanor.

Beric turns back to Sandor and her world stops when he announces Sandor will be judged by trail by combat.


Her hand laid on her belly and when she saw Beric's sword go aflame. She immediately noticed her husband's terror.

When they began fighting she caressed and  held her belly fearing for the father of her baby.  It's when her husband lands a fatal blow on Beric that she runs to him to help him with the fire.

As soon as he extinguished the fire she runs to his arms and kisses him.  All of a sudden, Arya grabs a knife and runs to stab Sandor.

He immediately pushes Eleanor behind him and his hand lands protectively on her belly. Thankfully, Gendry grabs Sansa on time preventing any harm to come to them.

Arya seizes when a supposedly dead Beric stands up.


"We need to head back for the Stark girl, Sandor."

"What?! That bitch just tried to kill me!"

He yells out as he starts seating their campsite.

"I know, but-"

"She'll do just fine."

Eleanor sighs looking back and her husband growls getting back up and turning her to him softly.

"Give me a good reason, and we will."

"Do you trust those men? Do you trust they will take her to Riverun?"

Sandor sighs looking down confirming her suspicion.

"Please, Sandor."

"Okay. I'll go back for her." He groans out before getting kissed by his wife.

That night while she was getting ready to sleep, Eleanor heard from afar her husbands grunts and Aryas cursing as the Stark girl ordered Sandor to let her go.

Arya woke up and looked around her trying to find the Hound. As she observed her surroundings she saw Sandor sleeping calmly with his wife who snuggled close to him.

Arya sees a rock and walks to the sleeping couple with the rock in hand, ready to end the Hounds life. She hesitated at seeing his hand on Eleanor's swollen belly.

However, she couldn't forget what Sandor did to her. As she raised the rock over the Hound and ready to slam it down her heart stops as his voice stops her.

"I'll give you one try, girl." He tells her with his eyes still shut.

His head turns up to the young wolf and his eyes open as they look at hers.

"Kill me and you're free. But if I live, I'll break both your hands."

At that instant, Eleanor slowly wakes up to find Arya hold a rock higher over her husband.

"Go on, hit me." Sandor persuades the Stark girl who turns to a awoken Eleanor.

"Hit me hard."


The three rode on the horse, or rather four due to the babe in Eleanor's belly.

Eleanor held onto her husband from behind as her legs were draped over one side, as she was taught since she was little. Since, it was more "proper for a lady."

Arya infront of Sandor as he was the one controlling the horse.

"Sulk all you want." He tells a still angry Arya.

"Truth is, you're lucky. You don't wanna be alone out here, girl. Someone worse than me would find you."

"There's no one worse than you." Arya spits back.

"You never knew my brother. He once killed a man for snoring. There's plenty worse than me." Sandor informs the young girl as his wife remembered the time her husband told her how got that giant scar.

"There's men who like to beat little girls, men who like to rape them. I saved your sister and her from some of them." He says turning back to his wife who held tighter into him.

"You're lying."

"Ask, her." He tells Arya as she turns to Eleanor.

"If you see Sansa again she'll tell you the same." She nods, before the horse seizes.

"Is that black water?" Arya asks.

"Black water? Where do you think we're taking you?" Eleanor giggles.

"Back to King's Landing, to Joffrey and the Queen."

"Fuck Joffrey. Fuck the queen."

"That's the Red Fork." Eleanor corrects Arya.

"We're taking you to the Twins."

"But why?" Arya asks confused.

Why would the hound and the queens sister not take her to them, and instead take her to the twins?

"Because your mother and brother will be there." Eleanor smiles softly to the young girl.

"And they'll pay us for you." Sandor admits as his wife glares up at him.

"Why would they be at the Twins?"

"Your uncle is marrying to one of the Frey girls."

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