1 - Leaving Musutafu With Psychos

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Even though feeling like a drama queen sucked donkey's balls, it was still true- leaving Katsuki and Musutafu behind was one of the hardest things Izuku had ever done.

What sucked worse than that?

Leaving was his own idea. He had even argued for it- loud, long and vociferously.

And what sucked the absolute worst of all?

He couldn't even pretend he was leaving all his troubles behind, because he wasn't.

All his troubles came along with him in a nicely matched portable set, because of course he had to travel with a bunch of psychos.

He had just gotten used to one set of psychos, the Nyr sentinels. Not all of them liked him, but most of them had, more or less, accepted him.

He even fancied that a few of them loved him, and he loved them, even though he thought they were all certifiably crazy, and to be fair, he was pretty sure they thought he was crazy too.

And now here he had to break in a whole new set.

This crew was fresh and energetic, while he was just damn tired and feeling bitchy enough to start tearing off heads for no reason.

That'd win him some brownie points.

Three of the group traveled with him in one black Cadillac Escalade. Three more traveled in another Escalade behind them, also black.

In fact, both SUVs quite illegally had the same license plate numbers and were identical in virtually every way, in case the group had to split up and one SUV had to act as a decoy for the other- which would end up being whichever one Izuku was traveling in at the time.

In the Escalade following them were Keiki, Tetsutetsu and Yui.

Keiki had a body coiled with lean muscles and dark, sharp eyes that never stopped roaming.

Tetsutetsu has a sleepy demeanor that Izuku didn't believe for a moment, because if he was really that sleepy and slow moving, he wouldn't be traveling with him.

Yui looked just like Izuku from a distance, which had been intentional. She had the same height and body type and the same thick black hair that was cut to match Izuku's.

Of course they couldn't pass for each other up close. Izuku was a guy and Yui was obviously not.

Yui looked to be possibly five years older than Izuku's age, although with Nyr, guessing someone's age could sometimes be difficult, and Yui could be as much as thirty years older.

Yui's eyes were light brown, not green like his. But they chose her to be his double because apparently, she can move light on her feet like Izuku's movement and her complexion was almost as fair as his.

Still, Izuku got an eerie feeling whenever he caught sight of Yui moving around in the distance.

It was like looking at a doppelganger of himself.

The three traveling in Izuku's Cadillac were Aki, Daigo and Ochako.

Aki was the tallest of the crew and actually handsome, with hair that fell into sharp eyes and a strong nose and jaw that looked great in profile.

With his fine features, Daigo appeared so boyish that he looked downright innocent- which was another impression that Izuku knew had to be false.

Then there was Ochako who was the alpha and captain of this particular pack of lethal whack-jobs.

Ochako had the whole Venus Williams Amazonian splendor thing nailed, with her honed, fighter body that rippled over strong muscles and a bitter gaze that had dissected Izuku so thoroughly the first time they met.

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