34 - Speculations

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Ochako shoved Izuku roughly behind her and said, "Stay back, dammit."

Izuku stared at the woman incredulously- like she was so crazy that she would leap into that battle.

Then the captain did just that as she leaped forward, and the Nyr clicked into a seamless fighting unit.

They were a hell of a sight to see, he supposed, as they formed a protective barrier around him and Daigo, but he didn't bother to pause and admire their prowess. Instead, he fell on his knees beside Daigo who had sagged forward.

"Hey," he said stupidly to the Nyr.

The man's head turned slightly toward him. Izuku blocked out all the chaos and noise and put an arm around him, and the Nyr fell against him.

Trusting the others to do their job, he eased Daigo to the ground, and in the fading light of the spell Keiki cast, he saw the profuse cascade of blood down his front.

Oh shit.

He tore Daigo's clothing open, and it was bad, very bad.

As a Nyr, Daigo had a strong aptitude for self-healing, but this, oh shit, he wasn't going to get over this.

And there wasn't time for any fucking thing, let alone time to stew over a decision when he couldn't think straight anyway- not with that horrible, unending scream in his head.

So he took his knife, slit his own palm and let a trickle of his blood flow over poor Daigo's torn-up chest.

Power flowed out along with his blood, but probably no one would notice because the entire world had gone insane, and everybody else was busy making too much noise to pay any attention to anything he did anyway.


Ochako suddenly knelt on the other side of Daigo and grabbed Izuku's wrist.

"What the fuck are you doing?" she hissed in Izuku's head.

Izuku yanked his wrist out of the woman's grasp. "I will hurt you so bad before I kill you if you say anything about this."

Ochako didn't bother to answer, but instead tore off some of Daigo's shirt to put pressure on wounds that Izuku knew were already closing under all that blood.

"I have healing potions in my pack. Dig in the left pocket- "

Daigo coughed, sat up and said, "Oh man, that sucked."

Ochako's eyes widened. She yanked Daigo's shirt open wider and ran a hand down his lean torso, searching for a wound that was no longer there.

"Princess, you got some kind of bitch-goddess mojo I had never seen before."

"It wasn't that bad," Izuku said desperately to Daigo. "Quit whining and get up," then he stuck a finger under Ochako's nose. "And you, shut the fuck up."

The rest of the world snapped back into focus.

He jumped up and Ochako helped Daigo to his feet just as the last of Keiki's spell faded, leaving the clearing washed in a hot hellish red again.

At the same time, the screaming in his head reached a crescendo. For a moment it was so loud he couldn't see straight.

Then with a snap, it broke off into silence.

What did that mean? Had the spirit of the Wood died?

Something had happened when he wasn't looking.

The chaotic Power had vanished, and the fighting had come to an end, although all of the psychos stood braced and ready.

Suddenly, Elves surrounded them.

"My Lord," Mirio said as he shouldered between two Elves and came to an abrupt halt in front of the business end of Aki and Keiki's swords. Mirio wore pants and a loose tunic, and he was blood streaked too. "You need to join us."

Izuku coughed, looking beyond Mirio for Nemuri, but she was no longer in sight.

Izuku could still see Sekijiro. The man stood partially turned away as he shouted and gestured to someone.

His voice hoarse from smoke inhalation, he demanded, "This is where you tell me what the fuck, and you do it quickly, Mirio."

"There's too much to explain quickly," the Elf said.

Mei slammed into Mirio's side, and he put an arm around her, hugging the young Elf against his side.

"One of the Alfheimians used a very old Power against us. Telling the rest of the story would take time we do not have."

Sekijiro approached, and the Elves that surrounded them backed away. The High Lord glanced over the other Nyr to Izuku and gave him a nod.

"The fire's very close," Sekijiro said. "We're going to have to cross over, and if they're waiting on the other side, we'll have to try to fight our way through."

Fight their way through what? Or whom?

"Where's Nemuri?" Izuku asked.

"She has been taken, along with many others," Sekijiro said. "They've already crossed over."

"Taken how?" Ochako demanded sharply.

The High Lord did not appear to take offense at her tone. Sekijiro replied, "Many of us were taken over while sleeping, and they rose to attack the rest of us," his gaze moved over them. "I see all of your party is intact."

Then the entire conversation became blah blah blah as the only thing that mattered in the world happened.

Katsuki growled in his head, "Izuku."

Crossing Fates : Book 3 - Detain (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now