6 - Biting And Snarling

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Now he strode through the crowded space of the arena, and Tsuyu registered his presence with a quick, smiling glance, but she never stopped speaking to the reporters in front of her, and he maintained his distance.

The selkie was all right, he supposed, as he maneuvered through the crowd to the elevators.

There was just one big problem with her: she was scared to death of him.

While that might be a reasonable reaction to him, her fear saturated her scent whenever they were within proximity of each other.

He didn't know a single Nyr who would believe anything she had to say when she was in that state, so at the moment, they were limited to televised appearances together- and Katsuki almost never did televised appearances.

Plus there was another unfortunate consequence. Her fear drove him crazy. Not a tolerant male at the best of times, he felt the urge to smack her upside the head whenever they got in the same room. It made for a poor working dynamic.

He had been working with Mina for a long time that he forgot that not everyone is like the Dark Fae Queen who isn't scared of him.

When he reached the Bakugo Enterprises Executive Suite, he surveyed it with satisfaction. It had been customized perfectly to his specific requirements.

The interior would have surprised anybody outside his inner circle. Most suites at the arena were designed for high-end entertainment, either personally or for business clients.

Bakugo Enterprises had taken over the arena's new 'supersuite' that had the capability of entertaining up to three hundred people, with comfortable lounge-style furniture, stylish decor, kitchens, full bars and fireplaces.

For the duration of Katsuki's use, however, the supersuite was currently furnished as a mobile working office, with secure laptop systems that had been personally couriered over by his assistants, office desks and chairs and a lounge area by the windows. It was fully plugged in, with high-speed internet, phones, and fax, print and scan capability.

After several months of hard work and negotiations, they were finally at the end stages of some critical business deals. The office would allow Katsuki to maintain a presence at the Pelistryd without losing a full week of work he could ill afford to lose.

One of his assistants, Rikido, was already present and at work, talking on his phone while he typed on his keyboard. No matter how well dressed Rikido was, he always appeared to be slightly shaggy and shambling.

Rikido was an ursine Nyr whose untidy, self-effacing demeanor disguised a sharp, quick wit and the kind of sturdy disposition needed to work around Katsuki on a daily basis. Not only that, Rikido was an educated MBA who thrived on aggressive corporate maneuvering. Katsuki paid him well for those traits.

Nodding to Rikido as he strode in, he went immediately to the window look-out over the arena. The sand on the combat floor was pristine, all footsteps raked smooth.

The door slammed open.

Katsuki looked over his shoulder, one eyebrow raised.

One of his sentinels exploded into the suite.

The harpy Kyoka's furious gaze fixed on him and she stormed toward him.

In her human form, she was a powerfully built woman with a mop hair that was tangled more often than not, and she had a strange, gaunt beauty that had nothing to do with dieting. In the harpy's Nyr form, both strangeness and beauty were accentuated.

Naturally, it would be Kyoka who dared to storm and seethe around him that day. Chick was crazy, but no doubt that was axiomatic. All harpies were.

Katsuki turned back to the arena, which was mostly full and still filling.

Crossing Fates : Book 3 - Detain (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now