16 - What The Elves Did

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Since he knew Izuku's true Name, bringing him into a dream was easy.

Still, he took time with this one and worked to get the details right, brushing them into place with his mind like an artist putting the finishing touches on a painting.

Then he cast it out, an invisible net woven with Power, and he went to sleep himself and waited.

Part of him marked the passing of time even as he drifted quietly. Then he felt the boy's presence slide into the dream, and he came alert.

The setting was cool and quiet, and a light, delicate wind blew. He had recreated the subtle hues of night.

Izuku was outside.

The light, musical tinkle of bells danced through the air.

"What the..." he said, sounding disoriented and puzzled, then he laughed, and the sound was more beautiful than the bells.

Katsuki smiled, rose from the couch where he had been reclining and lifted the flap of the tent to look out.

Sand dunes rippled underneath the silvery cascade of moonlight.

Several feet away from the tent is a small oasis of water, little more than the size of a comfortably large hot tub, was surrounded by a collection of ferns and palm trees, which didn't make any ecological sense, but still, the scene was pretty.

Izuku stood on the path between the tent and the oasis, looking down at himself.

Pleasure washed through Katsuki.

Izuku was a symphony of the precious colors he loved the most- silver, ivory and gold, and those gorgeous dark jade eyes. His green hair rippled down his head, and the male harem outfit he had devised for him to wear was sexy in all the right places. Bracelets and anklets of tiny bells adorned his graceful wrists and ankles, and his slender, arched feet were bare.

Izuku looked up, still laughing. "You made me look like a belly dancer Kacchan."

"What?" he said, strolling toward him with a smile. He was barefoot as well. He wore a simple linen robe that wrapped and belted at the waist with thin cotton pants underneath. "The belly dancer outfit was my favorite part."

"How very sheikh-ish you look," Izuku's face tilted up as he neared, and his dark scarlet-colored eyes were wide.

He played with Izuku's jewelry. The heavy, gold linked necklace at his neck was shamefully erotic. It highlighted the delicacy of his white throat and collarbones, and evoked the concept of bondage.

Crossing Fates : Book 3 - Detain (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now